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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Let’s celebrate singledom in a world that hates being single

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.

When people think about being single, it tends to have a negative connotation – lonely cat-woman with her quilt collection and knitting needles, the “crazy feminazi”, or the undesired nerd with glasses and braces. Everyone seems to think that to be happy one needs to have a partner which is completely and utterly untrue. This is constantly shoved in our faces through the googly-eyed couples holding hands, the PDAs on the streets and candlelit tables in restaurants, and this idea of getting a “for him” and “for her” gifts marketed across billboards and window displays of stores. But what about single people? 

No one likes to be single because it is assumed that- single=utterly alone and sad. But let’s change that narrative into something that’s a celebration of yourself, your own achievements, your friendships, as well as your family! Being single doesn’t always mean you’re completely by yourself, as there’s always people in your circles to be grateful for in your life. So, let’s start with opening yourself up to yourself, being truthful and honest to yourself, and loving yourself the same way that you would do if you had a partner. 

Write down what you love about yourself

I used to write a list of what I love about myself whenever I felt sad or insecure about myself as a reminder of why I am an amazing person. I’d usually list ten things: five visible and five invisible attributes to myself. So this can be things like “I love my hair; I love my skin; I love how ambitious I am”, etc. List your favorite things about yourself, as if you’re writing a love letter to yourself. 

Buy yourself some flowers

Self-loving Valentine’s is every day for me, since I always buy myself flowers whenever I go get groceries at Trader Joe’s or a local Mr. Fruit grocery chain. But it’s a great way to visibly express your love to yourself and you know yourself better than anyone else, so you know what flowers you love or what fits your aesthetic. Not only are they a great way to show self-love, but they also help brighten up the space in your room! 

Do retail therapy

Spoil yourself with things that you love because you deserve it! There’s no harm in buying yourself a new dress, a pair of shoes, or another book to add to your collection. Don’t go all out, as you’d want to be wise with your money, but get one new addition to your wardrobe, your library, or your room, or kitchen – whatever it is, get something that would make you happy. 

Invite your friends for a Galentine’s Day!

Nothing beats anything more than hanging out with your best friends. I spent Galentine’s day with one of my closest friends in the city and spent Sunday drinking tea at Prince Tea House, criticizing everything, and planning our upcoming birthday parties. You can always have movie night with some rosé, or go fancy and set up a charcuterie board and play some board games. There’s endless opportunities to have some gal time – and female-focused relationships are always better! 

Or just go about your day

Valentine’s Day is also just another day – go to work or school, meet friends, or call your family. Every day should be a Valentine’s day – we should all be expressing our love to our family, friends, partners, and ourselves, no matter what time of year. Go about your day, go be productive, enjoy the little moments you encounter and express gratitude for those that bring you positivity. 

Valentine’s Day is not just a day of celebrating romantic love. It is a celebration of life, so live in the present. Don’t forget to be grateful, and don’t forget that you are loved! 

Nicole Abriam

New School '22

Nicole is a NYC-based Freelance Writer and Journalism + Design major at The New School. Born in the Philippines, raised in the United Kingdom, and having lived in Florida before moving to New York City, Nicole explores her experiences through writing. Her work has also appeared on Adolescent.net and LUNA Collective and you can find more at nicoleabriam.com