I know self-learning isn’t for everyone and it can be quite discouraging at first. I still remember the first time I tried to learn python on Youtube and I was perplexed. I told myself coding was not for me. Mind you, I was only 10 minutes into the video. I was far too quick to dismiss it only because I was being bombarded with an abundant amount of new information I was not aware of. A few months later, I decided to give python another try. This time, I watched the video twice and I did not rush myself. I also utilized online sources to then practice what I had learned in the video. I realized I didn’t need to spend so much money on learning how to code. I was finally beginning to understand python.
Not only that, I learned HTML and CSS by watching YouTube tutorials. Some of my favorite online websites for learning how to code include, repl.it, ww3schools.com, learnpython.org, and code academy. I also attended sessions offered at the NYPL. The workshops at NYPL are free and if you are just getting started, it’s perfect because you have an instructor guiding you through the entire process. You can find many free coding workshops in the city at Eventbrite. I also like to use apps for self-learning. Personally, I love educational apps because they are easy to use and they help me feel more productive.
After my experience with self-learning, I learned the importance of being patient and consistent. In addition, monitor your progress and focus on the areas you need help most with. Self-learning is an art. An art anyone can master if they really want to. If something looks unfamiliar and you don’t understand what you are studying, research, keep researching until you find the answers. If one video doesn’t make sense, try another. Also, quiz yourself after with open-ended questions. Finally, figure out how you prefer to learn. Are you a visual or aural learner? If you determine how you learn, you will find studying more engaging.