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Top 5 TV Shows To Watch When You’re Stressed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Paltz chapter.


We all have those moments when we are just so incredibly stressed out that all you want to do and what you really need is to just sit in front of some Netflix and binge. For me I have a list of shows that I typically will rotate through when I need to just sit and absorb some sort of entertainment. So, take a look at my list below and let me know what you think in the comments!


1) “The Office”

The Office has always been and will always be my go to show for when I’m feeling stressed out or when I just need to have background noise that I don’t need to pay attention to. I have watched through the series about 7 times and I regret nothing

2) “Parks and Recreation”

Parks and Rec is my second favorite, just slightly. I identify strongly with Leslie Knope and watching (and rewatching) the antics of the entire show just brings a lot of stress relief. I highly recommend this show if you need to just relax.

3) “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”

KUWTK has always been and will always be my guilty pleasure show. I can’t help but watch it and I really can’t look away from all the drama that happens. It’s mind numbing but sometimes that’s just what you need.

4) “Bob’s Burgers”

Bob’s Burgers is a fun and hilarious show about a family who owns a restaurant in a coastal town. The entire show is so witty and amazing and if you just need a good laugh to cheer you up this is a great show to do it.

5) “Futurama”

Futurama is so witty and hilarious for when you just need to step back and take a look at the world through a comical lens. This show requires a little more attention though so if you’re not looking to have to pay attention maybe try this one another time.


That is my list of the 5 shows I go to when I’m stressed out. I hope you guys try some of these shows out and leave any more you’d add to the list in the comments!

A sociology major with a love for all things Disney. Kayleigh Monahan is an avid reader and writer and can often be found at her local Starbucks. She is the current President of Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority at New Paltz as well as the Campus Correspondent for HC SUNY New Paltz.