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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Paltz chapter.

Day 14: The Closed Door

Behind this door lies the beginning to the future.

Behind this door lies the end of what we know as the ‘teenage years’.

Now, you’re an adult. Sort of. 18-21 are the grey years.

Behind this door, is every challenge life is going to throw at you. There will be many.

Family. Friends. Mental health. Education. Society. The media. The entire country.

Every single thing that CAN be thrown at you, WILL be.

You will be tested. All buttons will get pushed at some time or another. Nothing is perfect.

And if you do somehow live in a perfect world… what are you reading this for?

This is for the people that are struggling.

This is for the people who have to deal with sexism, racism, misogyny, privilege and power struggles.

This is for the people that struggle with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, paranoia.

This is for the people with a mix, or even none.

Behind that door lies people that’ll get in your way – along with a few who’ll help you along.

Behind that door lies circumstances that’ll eat away at you – along with a few that’ll boost you.

Behind that door lies the “perfect” people, who’ll ask “what are you doing wrong?” “Why aren’t you like me?” “how come you’re so ____?”


Behind that door lies life. Are you ready for it?

….. Will you open the door?


Call me Jai [which rhymes with 'hi']! I'm currently a student at SUNY New Paltz, majoring in Communication Disorders and minoring in Deaf Studies. I'm a huge fan of horror movies, comic books, and Harry Potter. I've been writing since I was young, and I specialize in spoken word and short stories. I am originally from Brooklyn, but have lived in a variety of states over the years. I love music (anything in the alternative rock/pop punk/rap & hip-hop genre is my jam). I aspire to be either a Teacher of the Deaf or speech-language pathologist in a school, after I get that Master's, of course (and possibly my PhD). I also want to be an advocate for mental health in the Black community, speaking out for those who do not have a voice. Writing novels like Stephen King and J.K. Rowling in the future is just a side job :)