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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Haven chapter.

Fall is upon us and that means it’s time to start changing everything up— especially our look and what make-up we’re using! There is something about putting on lipstick that just makes you feel like such a woman, ya know? Lipstick has become one of my favorite go-tos for when I go out, but the color you choose to wear says a lot about you.

Plum/Purples: This lip color is for the diva you’re trying to bring out tonight! It’s an edgy, daring and bold color that is great for when you’re feeling outgoing and sexy. Plum/purple lip colors are one of my top choices. 

Red: Red lipstick is in its own world. Whenever you think of the word ‘lipstick’ most likely you’re going to think of the color red. It’s a classic lip color that is for the girl who is feeling fierce, and confident.


Nude/Mochas: Nudes and mochas are more of your everyday lipstick color and are there for the more conservative situations in life. These colors are for a pretty, casual look. I have a mocha lipstick (MAC Satin Lipstick in Mocha) that I use almost every day and I love it! 


Pink/Berry: Pink is a sweet color, but it’s also a very flirty color. It was made for the happy, bubbly personality. Pink/Berry is the lip color you choose when you just want to talk and flirt your butt off. There is no other way to describe it!

Orange/Tangerine: Orange lips are crazy and for the girl who is willing to take a risk. It’s so different and so out there! But why not, right? If you’re feeling glamorous and you want to make a bold statement, rocking orange lipstick is a good place to start!


Jill Perniciaro is a Junior at the University of New Haven studying Criminal Justice. She is a Long Island gal at heart but is loving New England more and more every day. Even though her major is unrelated to writing/communications; the entertainment world of TV, movies, fashion, beauty and music is her side passion. Eating, watching movies, going to the gym, shopping, and bowling are also things she likes to do. Jill's fav animals are giraffes, monkeys, and otters. Her favorite color is purple, she loves the Weeknd with all her heart and she's most likely wearing her RayBan's cause she doesn't like to squint. She is a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon and she is hoping to pursue a career in Crime Scene Investigation. She is very happy to be a part of New Haven's HC chapter as secretary & a writer for the blog section :-) You can follow Jill on Twitter @jjillll (4 l's) and on Instagram @jillperniciaro.  HCXO
Elissa is a 21-year-old college student studying journalism in New Haven, Connecticut. Hailing from Long Island, she doesn’t correct anyone who assumes she’s from the city, just like she doesn’t correct anyone who assumes she’s a student at Yale. In addition to being one of the Co-Founders and Campus Correspondents for Her Campus New Haven, she is also Editor-in-Chief of UNH's university newspaper. Besides drinking too much coffee and daydreaming about traveling the world, she spends most of her time writing, reading and complaining about the weather. Follow her at @elissasanci