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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Haven chapter.

Name: Michaela Guila Pietrangeli

Nickname: Mckay or Micake

Year: Sophomore

Major: Pre Medical

Relationship status: I’ve been in a relationship for 4 years.

Instagram: @MichaelaPietrangeli

HC: What are you involved with here at UNH?

Michaela: I am the public relations manager of the University of New Haven Love Your Melon (LYM) crew.


HC: Can you tell us what LYM exactly is?

Michaela: It is an apparel brand that was started by two college students in Minnesota. The goal is to donate a hat to every child battling cancer in America. 50% of the net proceeds goes to our partnering organizations like CureSearch, Pinky Swear Promise, and Be the Match.


HC: Can you give us some more info on the beanies?

Michaela: You can buy the beanies on www.loveyourmelon.com for $30. They are made in the USA. There are releases every Monday for new colors! They make perfect holiday gifts and stocking stuffers. They are truly a gift that gives back. Make sure you click University of New Haven at check out!

HC: How has LYM impacted your life?

Michaela: It has inspired me to hopefully go into pediatric oncology as a med student. It is a life changing experience to be able to meet these children face to face and be able to see them smile. It really warms my heart.


HC: What was the most rewarding moment you’ve experienced from LYM?

Michaela: Our crew hosted a super hero adventure for 5-year-old Christian, who is battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. We spent the entire day with him doing fun activities such as watching the UNH football game, experiencing a real fire truck, and a long tabled lunch. It was a day that Christians family and I will never forget.

HC: What would you say to someone who’s thinking about joining the LYM crew?

Michaela: You do not want to miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity like this one. Knowing you’re making a difference in the life of a child every single day is the most rewarding feeling ever.


Please follow @newhavenlymcrew on Twitter and Instagram!

Like them on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/newhavenlymcrew

Hi! I'm Danielle and i'm an undergraduate at the University of New Haven dreaming of experiencing all the world has to offer. I am a psychology major with a passion for helping others and expressing myself through writing. You can probably find me on the beach or outdoors, and if not i'm definitely binge watching Netflix. Follow me on social media @DMarieCxoxo :) 
Hi! My name is Caitlin Duncan. I'm from Enfield, CT, and a senior at University of New Haven. I am the Co-Founder and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus New Haven. I am also a Founding Member of Alpha Sigma Alpha's Theta Omega chapter. In my free time, I can be found singing Taylor Swift, reading, or cuddling with my dogs, Paisley and Mandy. Feel free to contact me at caitduncan@hercampus.com! HCXO!