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Campus Cutie Couple: Mitch and Natalie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New Haven chapter.

Meet Campus Cutie Couple Mitch Fliss ’17 and Natalie Collins ’17!

How did you meet? 

NC: We technically met in Jazzmans, since the first day we talked to each other one on one he was trying to get me to download Myspace and bring it back. I instantly knew that we were meant to be. So, I proceeded to add him on Snapchat that night and we haven’t stopped talking since.

MF: We met in Jazzmans when Natalie “flirted” with me by showing me funny vines. She also asked my fraternity big brother Matt for my snapchat. 

Who initiated the first kiss?

NC: We were in his room watching a movie and cuddling, and about an hour and a half into the two hour movie, he worked up the courage to finally kiss me. So I guess you could say he initiated the first kiss, even though I was hoping it would happen.

MF: I initiated the first kiss, but it was super uncomfortable because I’m very awkward. 

How long have you been dating?

NC: A year and 2 months

What has been your most memorable date?

NC: The most memorable date that we have had was the date we had for our one year. He somehow managed to put gifts outside of my door while I was asleep so that I would wake up and have them the moment I woke up. Included in these gifts were two dresses that I could pick between for our dinner date later that day. For dinner, he asked everyone he knew from the area for a great steakhouse to go to, and ended up picking this one place downtown. When we arrived at the restaurant, it was this extremely fancy (too fancy for us) restaurant and was not what we had expected at all. But it turned out okay, because the entire night we were laughing about how out of place we were at this restaurant (and I found a new really cool tea). It just goes to show that its not where you go, but who you’re with.

MF: Most memorable date was getting stuck in the snow on Boston Post Road on our four-month anniversary. She wanted pizza really bad so I drove us to get pizza and my car does horribly in the snow so we sat on a hill for about an hour. 

What is your favorite thing about your significant other?

NC: Besides the fact that he buys me food, he always laughs at my jokes and the vines I show him no matter how stupid or unfunny they are. In all seriousness though, I love how Mitch always pushes me to be the best version of myself, and the drive that he has to succeed himself. 

MF: My favorite thing is her confidence. She takes everything that life throws at her head on and comes out on top every time. She’s not afraid to push herself and you can just feel her confidence when she walks into the room. 

Who said “I love you” first?

NC: Mitch in his “romantic” way said I love you first on New Years Eve while I was shoving a bag of Doritos in my face at 2am.

MF: I said I love you first on New Years Eve. 


How do you resolve arguments?

NC: He buys me food and then we’re both not ‘hangry’ anymore. That solves about every fight we have.

MF: We resolve arguments by talking it out. We respect each other enough to put our differences aside and figure out what happened and how we can get past the issue. 


Do you have any advice to give to new couples?

NC: Always keep snacks on you because if your significant other gets ‘hangry’, it’s not going to end well for either of you. Also, every couple goes through their hard times, but those who work through the hard times will come out stronger in the end. Always tell your significant other what is upsetting you, because they may not know if they’re doing anything that bothers you or upsets you as well.  

MF: Biggest piece of advice is don’t be afraid to talk. There is no need to drop hints; if something is wrong say it. If you are really happy with something, say it. A thank you or some honesty really goes a long way. 

What celebrity couple are your “goals?

NC: Tyler Cashman and Ian Jones OR Dan Bilzerian and Fluffball.

MF: In my opinion, celebrity couple “goals” are… I have no clue, Natalie always tags me in stuff from some couple who got famous from tumblr or something.

Hi! My name is Caitlin Duncan. I'm from Enfield, CT, and a senior at University of New Haven. I am the Co-Founder and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus New Haven. I am also a Founding Member of Alpha Sigma Alpha's Theta Omega chapter. In my free time, I can be found singing Taylor Swift, reading, or cuddling with my dogs, Paisley and Mandy. Feel free to contact me at caitduncan@hercampus.com! HCXO!