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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Valentine’s day is approaching and so is the search for a date for that special day. But have you ever had a date and afterwards decided to give up on dating and start to get friends with the thought to end up later with three cats or dogs? Well, I sure as hell have.

After a first couple of days, weeks or even months of texting you sooner or later can’t dodge the first date. You feel like deciding on a date, place and time is more complicated than your current Stats class. You shave your whole body, spend hours on getting ready and deciding what to wear to show yourself the best way possible. You might even decide to clean up your room, because you never know. Not to forget the upcoming anxiety if it is really a smart idea to meet that guy from Hinge or the person who randomly asked you for your number in Target. “Should I maybe cancel? I still can.” No, you take a deep breath and go. And at the end? Nothing happened, and you think “Why did I put all that effort into this stupid date?”

At the end of the day, however, every date can have a positive aspect. Maybe, you realize that the person you’ve been texting with all this time is not the one for you, and that’s totally fine. You get clarity about it and can move on instead of wasting more time on somebody who is not worth your precious time. Moreover, you learn about what you want in a person and what not. What bothered you? When did you realize it won’t work out for you? Use the experience to rethink your values and learn about yourself. Also, even if it does not match in a romatic kind of way but you still had a good time, your date might become a good new friend, which is also very precious. Most times, you meet interesting,(maybe also weird) people that tell you great stories about life. Lastly, you never know. Maybe this one date you might want to bail on will be the one, or at least someone who will reward all your dating efforts.

Long story short: Go on that date, girl !

German girl studying in the U.S. who loves fashion, music and girl power. Antonia is a senior at NCSU pursuing a German-American Double Degree in Business Administration with a minor in Journalism.