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Ways I’m Becoming Less Indecisive in 2023

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Hi there, my name is Roxie and I am one of the most indecisive people on this planet. No seriously, it took me 5 minutes just to decide if I wanted to say “planet” or “earth.” So take it from me when I say I understand the struggles of being indecisive and not being able to make up your mind. I would also say I’m pretty “go-with-the-flow,” so if someone I’m with wants to go to a certain place for lunch, then I’m normally down with whatever they choose because that means I don’t have to decide. But one of my resolutions for 2023 is to be more decisive and confident in my choices and opinions and here are a few ways I’ve been doing that: 

1. Make a pros and cons list:

Okay, this one is pretty self-explanatory but it has helped me so much this month. Whether it’s making a decision on where to eat, shop or something to do, this has made my decision-making so much simpler. I would either mentally or physically write out a pros and cons list on what I needed to choose between and if there were more pros than cons, I would take that as a sign to go with it. Obviously, this can’t work in every situation but for some of the simpler things, this has been a helpful solution. 

2. Ask yourself if your heart and brain are in alignment: 

Now this one is definitely a lot harder. As someone who had to decide to end a relationship this month, I used this tactic and it made me realize the inconsistencies within myself. This does take some time, and it’s okay if you seriously don’t know what your heart or brain wants. But making sure you’re leading with both is so important for decisions because you can never be fully yourself without one or the other.

3. Be confident in what you want and don’t apologize: 

Okay, this one I’m still working on. Being a people pleaser is just something that is hard-wired into my brain, but that doesn’t mean I need to base all my decisions on other people. I know I’m not alone in these thoughts and I’m here to say that it is okay for you to make a decision because it is the best for you. Ultimately other people might not understand why you chose a decision or why you did something but it’s not about them. It’s your life and your choices, so as I work on this too, let’s all realize that it is not selfish to do things for yourself without an explanation to others. 

So those were a few of the ways I’m working on being less indecisive this year and if you’re anything like me, I hope you take these practices into use and start becoming more decisive and confident in yourself and your choices. Okay, that’s all for now, ily <3

Hi everyone, my name is Roxie and I'm from Charlotte, NC! I'm a junior majoring in marketing and minoring in art and design. I love dancing, spending time outdoors, baking, and drawing/creating. I've always loved the creative freedom that comes with writing and I'm so excited to be a part of Her Campus!