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Sorry, the Fairy Costume Will Always be Famous

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

By: Alandya Warren

As much as I want to urge everyone to put down those glittery wings from Amazon this Halloween, I can’t. 

I have to admit the fairy costume can do no wrong. You can’t mess it up. Everyone who does it understands the assignment every time. Every single time. Those prime-ordered wings know their mission before even being packed into the box. 

Those chrome-colored wings complete the look of any Gen-Zer on Halloween, just as the cat ears and drawn-on whisker combo on Millennials once did. It’s a passing of the proverbial baton or, in this case, a ball of yarn to a wand. 

So many historical events have occurred this year alone, but we can only continue to add to its list as we are witnessing the cementing of a Halloween costume as a classic staple in real time. 

It should be noted that when one costume rises in rank, another has to fall, which is why I believe the Velma costume needs to seek retirement immediately. Like a jersey in the rafters, raise it up. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love a good turtleneck and mini skirt combo as much as anyone, but I beg those of you considering going this route to put the orange turtleneck and knee-high socks down. 

I must say that I do understand the appeal of the Velma costume because it’s fun, cute and super convenient to put together. I can undoubtedly predict that Mindy Kaling’s upcoming new show, “Velma,” will most likely increase the amount of Velmas we see for future Halloweens, as it’s a mature reimagining of the Scooby Doo character. 

The fairy costume shares those same three attributes of convenience, style and entertainment value with our favorite Mystery Incorporated sleuth. But there’s variation because no two fairy costumes can ever look alike. When one is dressing as a concept (read: fairy), there’s originality because there are no rules or paradigms to adhere to like if one is dressing up as a character (read: Velma) from a popular TV show or movie. 

Instagram links to fairy costume examples (this would be embedded)

Every Halloween, we see creativity reach new heights, so don’t be afraid to put on those wings or even (as I type this begrudgingly) that turtleneck. Halloween forces us to stylistically get out of our comfort zones and express ourselves in new ways, and I love to see it because it’s inspiring and, most of all, encompasses that three-letter word we are all seeking — fun.  

But if you happen to see me wearing a fairy costume this Halloween, don’t be surprised because I told you that costume will always be famous. 

Alandya is a junior at North Carolina State University. She considers herself to be an aficionado of all things Motown. When she isn't writing you can find her making smoothies, reading a historical biography or watching the news.