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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Reneé Rapp is today’s new obsession. She is the new icon. If you’re like me, you know her from The Sex Lives of College Girls which first aired in 2021. She recently gained an insane amount of popularity through her role as Regina George in the new Mean Girls (the musical).

Reneé Rapp’s collab with mejuri

With her gaining recognition from the TV show and movie, her music started to gain traction. Rapp released her first single in 2022, followed by the Everything to Everyone EP in the same year and a new album called Snow Angel in 2023. 

After seeing her performance in Mean Girls, I ran to her discography on Spotify. With my current situationship… I needed music that I could connect to. Her lyrics hit such a deep and relatable chord for me. Life is hard as it is and music seems to be the only thing that can make a bad thing turn good.

Snow Angel album by Reneé Rapp

With that being said, here are my top three Renee Rapp songs that genuinely changed my life:

In The Kitchen

In The Kitchen in the definition of heartbreak. This one pulls at my heart strings a little too hard. It indulges in what it feels like to go from “strangers, to lovers, to enemies.” It incapsulates the feeling of longing for someone you want to come back. You know everything about this person, yet they’re now a stranger. The line that resonated with me the most was “could have at least, shown me some decency.” This is something that I know hits hard to those of us in situationships that don’t know how to show an ounce of respect. Reneé, you made me cry with this one… but I love it.

Tummy Hurts

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone or in the talking stage with someone they go on and on about how you are the only one? But then… you find out there’s actually someone else. ou feel physically ill. That’s what Tummy Hurts is about. Rapp goes on to sing about the revenge. We can give these relationships (or in my case, situationships) our all, but it never seems to be enough.


The love I have for this song is indescribable. It perfectly communicates the struggle of wanting to let your guard down for someone. It’s the fear of going from being the love of their life, to someone they can easily throw away the very next day. Men in our generation seem to switch up so fast and it’s quite honestly the most draining situation to be put through. Tattoos will have you remembering why you fell so hardly for that one person. But then remembering why that also makes it that much harder to trust again.

Hi!! My name is Annabella and I’m a junior majoring in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations and minors in Journalism and Business Administration. I love music, writing, hiking, reading, and traveling!