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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Starting a new semester of classes can be stressful, and here are my top five tips to try to make the transition smoother!

1. Giving yourself time to figure out your new course load

Setting out more than enough time in my schedule to adjust to the new course load is always one of my main priorities. Not knowing how much time you need to block out for your assignments can be stressful, which is why I always give myself plenty of time at the beginning of the semester to figure out how to balance the new course load for my upcoming classes.

2. Read Your Syllabus

Reading your syllabus at the beginning of the semester is important. It gives you all the due dates for the rest of the class and sets expectations from your professor. I like to write all of the due dates down in my planner in the beginning, so I won’t ever miss a due date.

3. Make a schedule for yourself

I find that I function so much better when I have a set routine. At the beginning of the semester, I try to plan when is a good time to do homework, when I should make dinner, etc. I think having a schedule, even if it’s just through the first weeks of class, can help make the start of the new semester much simpler.

4. Talk to someone new

I always try to make new friends during the first weeks of class! It can make the transitions between semesters seem much less lonely. It also is good to have connections in case you miss a day of class or you’re confused about the material later on.

5. Recognize your ACCOMPLISHMENTS

It’s so important to recognize all the work you’ve put into college so far! I like to reflect on what I did well in the previous semester and what I should work harder on in the future!

Kaylee is a writer for the NC State’s Her Campus Chapter! This is her first year writing for Her Campus, and she’s very excited to gain more experience writing for the chapter! She is excited to get the opportunity to write articles about the things she loves! Kaylee is a sophomore this year, who started out undecided in her major, but now has decided on majoring in Food Science at NC State. Even though her major is STEM related, she has always had a passion for creative writing and excels in English classes. In high school, Kaylee was a writer and photographer for her school's yearbook. She is also involved in other clubs on campus, and works at a park over summer breaks! In her free time, you can find Kaylee reading (most likely Emily Henry books), drinking a nice iced chai tea (or sweet tea), and watching Dance Moms. Some other things she loves is traveling, baking, spending time with the people she loves, and staying up-to-date on all things pop culture related. Her all time favorite color is pink and her favorite musician is Taylor Swift. She also loves her maltese, Luna! After graduating from NC State, Kaylee plans to find a career that's nutrition related, but hopes to always have an outlet for her love of writing!