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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Ahhh London. My new favorite place in the entire world. After spending six weeks there this past summer while studying abroad, I can honestly say that it was the best decision of my life, and that every student that is able, should go. 

I had been to London before when I was sixteen, about nine months before the world shut down due to COVID-19. I went to Europe for ten days with my mom and we went to Paris first and then London. And honestly, I loved Paris so much more than I loved London. I referred to the trip as the “Paris Trip” and would often negate the fact that I even went to London. It’s not that I didn’t like it, it was just that Paris had this quality about it that London didn’t have. Almost like the feeling that this is where you belonged and have been waiting to feel this way your entire life. 

I digress. I knew I wanted to study abroad. It was ALWAYS on my radar and when the time came to decide where I wanted to go, I thought Paris was the choice. However, I don’t speak a lick of French passed Bonjour and Merci and didn’t have time to learn enough to last me six weeks. So that led me to the London route. I wanted to take fashion classes and I found a school, Regents University, that offered them, so I applied and thankfully got in. 

The program was six weeks long and I was staying in a dorm in the heart of London and I couldn’t have been more excited. I left at the end of May and was returned at the beginning of July, and the entire experience changed my life. 

If anyone is even considering studying abroad, DO IT and do it in London. I have never felt more safe in a city and never had a bad day the entire time I was there. No matter where you were–Kensington, SoHo, Leicester Square, Marylebone, and more–just walking around was magical. I learned so much about myself in the short time that I was there and fell in love with the beautiful city that is London. Here are some of those things:

  1. Going to a foreign country alone is scary, but now that I’ve done it I feel like I can do anything

This one is a bit unfair because my best friend was also there at the same time, but she was in a different program, twelve tube stops away, so I was alone in theory. Anyways, flying alone, navigating the city alone, and being alone taught me that I am much stronger than I previously once thought, and now I feel like I can go anywhere.

My class building at Regents University
  1. I can get close with people in six weeks

I met SO many people during my time there. Whether it was classmates, my roommate, or even random people at events. I made friends with so many people and made genuine friendships. It usually takes me awhile to warm up to people, but I was truly shocked to see how close I got to the people I met in such a short amount of time.

Some of the friends I made during my stay
  1. I went out and explored by myself…no problem

Since I was only there for six weeks, I had a list of every single thing I wanted to do and see, things that other people didn’t necessarily want to do. So I would take myself on little dates around the city and see things I will never forget.

One of my favorite places that I stumbled upon…the British Vogue office building
  1. I am literally a celebrity magnet…not kidding

One of the most surprising and pleasant things that came out of this experience was the fact that I literally seem to be a celebrity magnet. On my VERY FIRST DAY, I met HARRY STYLES at a crosswalk. Yeah just a casual Sunday. Other celebrities I saw included Andrew Garfield, Jennifer Lawrence, Harrison Ford, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and the ENTIRE Royal Family. No big deal.

Meeting Harry Styles at a crosswalk!
  1. I learned to love art and museums

One of my most favorite things that I did was go to different museums by myself and just appreciate the art that was inside. I have always loved going to museums, but have never gone alone. When you go with people, you go at their pace. I always seem to follow the leader at a museum, but when I went alone, I was able to go at my own pace. My favorite museums were definitely the National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, and the Wallace Collection. My favorite art piece that I saw was “The Swing” by Fragonard. It is my favorite painting of all time and it was surreal to see it in person. I went back multiple times and just stood there and stared at it, picking apart the details and getting up close to see the brushstrokes. I have always been an art lover, but appreciating art by myself made me fall in love with it. 

The Swing by Fragonard at the Wallace Collection

I learned a lot more about myself during my time in London, but I will save the rest for myself, because once again, if you are considering studying abroad and are able to, take the opportunity and might I recommend, doing it in the greatest city in world: London. 

Cameron Crews is the president of Her Campus at NC State. She is responsible for publishing all articles, leading meetings, encouraging all staff, and overseeing the entire chapter. This is her third year on Her Campus and her second year as President. Outside of Her Campus, Cameron was the Editor-in-Chief of her high school’s yearbook, which she helped lead to being awarded the best book in the entire state and honored at Columbia University’s scholastic journalism awards. She worked as an intern at Southpark Magazine in Charlotte, NC, where she edited articles, conducted interviews, and assisted the editors. In the Summer of 2023, she attended Regents University in London, England, where she took fashion classes from high players in the fashion industry who have worked with the likes of Andy Warhol, Alexander McQueen, Christian Siriano, and more. She also had the opportunity to interview Brendan Fraser immediately after he won his “Best Actor” Oscar at the 2023 Academy Awards. She is a junior at NC State University majoring in Communications with a minor in Journalism. After graduation, she hopes to move to New York, LA, Paris, or London and work in the fashion industry as either a fashion editor or celebrity stylist. Cameron was born and raised in Charlotte, NC, with her younger brother and dog, George Bailey. She enjoys shopping, watching movies, listening to music, writing, hanging out with friends, and traveling in her free time. She is a huge Taylor Swift and Harry Styles fan and has seen them both in concert multiple times. She is also a huge Timothee Chalamet aficionado and is a huge movie fan–with some of her favorites being Once Upon A Time…In Hollywood, Barbie, Lady Bird, the Breakfast Club, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.