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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

As we enter October and as spooky season begins, we get to get excited about deciding what to be for Halloween. My soul sister and I struggled the last couple of months trying to figure out our duo costume because there are so many iconic options out there. 

I’m here to share some classic character costumes you can do with the other half of your duo. From movies that fill us with nostalgia like Tangled to more recent thrillers like the X trilogy, these costumes will absolutely slaughter, just like Pearl did in X. There are even so many variations possible for each, and they can all be turned into solo or group costumes! 

Disney Princesses

Disney Princess best friend costumes always look so cute! You could take plenty of different routes with this one, like Aurora and Snow White or even a princess and their villain like Rapunzel and Mother Gothel.

Wizard of Oz and Wicked

With Wicked coming out this November, it is the perfect time for a Wizard of Oz or Wicked duo costume! Seeing some Glindas and Elphabas out on Halloween will definitely help create some hype for the movie, and Dorothy costumes are always absolutely adorable.

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland costumes are always my favorites. Everyone executes them differently, and I love to see them each year. A lot of the time, Alice is not even in the mix, and the costumes still end up stunning!

Strawberry Shortcake

The costumes of Strawberry Shortcake and her sweet friends are super darling. There are so many adorable characters in Strawberry Shortcake’s world, and any of them would make sweet and lovely costumes.  Strawberry Shortcake and Lemon Meringue is one of my favorite pairings.

Monster High

Everyone will instantly recognize what you are dressed up as if you and your bestie take on Monster High costumes. These totally ghoul costumes never disappoint! There are so many Monster High dolls that you could dress up as one who best matches your personality.

Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf

Little Red Riding Hood is a magnificent staple fairytale. There are so many ways to make the pairing of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf cute and cautious. Plus, of course, we all love any good excuse to wear the color red. 

Black Swan


The movie Black Swan is a beyond breathtaking and beautiful thriller. Black Swan Halloween costumes turn out just as breathtaking and beautiful as the movie. This one is for sure more complex than the others to have full effect, but the end results are so worth it.

Peach and Daisy

More princesses, yes. To this day, I am still so obsessed with playing Mario Kart and Mario Party. The Mario franchise costumes do not need to be limited to just peach and daisy, though. Like the other costume ideas, there are many different ways to go about this idea.

Little Bo Peep


Whether you are Bo Peep and Jessie from Toy Story and Little Bo Peep and her sheep, your costumes will turn out to be so adorable. It is such a delicate, dainty, and cute costume option. This is the perfect option for if you want to not be completely covered up but also want to be kept warm because it would look so cute with tights or leg and arm warmers.

Maxine and Pearl

Even though the final movie of the trilogy came out this summer, I am not ready for the X costumes to be done yet. Maxine and Pearl make a killer duo costume. Seeing Maxine costumes never fails to make me happy because she is truly an icon in my eyes.

Though most duo options I listed seem pretty basic, I think all of them are really cute and could help you and your duo have an amazing Halloween. Feeling confident in a costume is everything and these ideas could turn out really adorable. I hope this can help bring you some inspiration!

Jayla Porath is a new writer for Her Campus at NCSU. She is very excited to be an active chapter member, attending meetings and events and sharing her love of topics such as fashion, pop culture, and more through writing. Before attending NC State University, she was vice president of student government and participated in honors art classes and the prom committee, as she loves to have creative outlets. Jayla is a freshman at North Carolina State University and she is majoring in Fashion and Textile Management with a concentration in Brand Management in Marketing. She is also minoring in Art + Design. She hopes to travel and study abroad at prestigious fashion institutions to learn as much about the fashion industry as possible. After graduation, she plans to be a stylist in advertising and marketing campaigns. Jayla was born in a small town in Michigan and lived there throughout elementary school. She moved to Garner, North Carolina several years ago and has truly grown up there. She is the middle child out of three siblings and adores her three cats. In her free time, she enjoys watching reality TV, napping, drawing, shopping - online and in person, and spending time with her friends and family. She is a huge fan of Lana Del Ray, SZA, and The Neighbourhood.