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How We Can All Have The Confidence of TikTok’s Famous “Tube Girl”

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

While scrolling through your “For You” page on TikTok, have you come across a London local lip-syncing to popular tunes on the London tube? The new TikTok sensation is @sabrinabahsoon on TikTok and she has blown up overnight for her videos on the tube. 

Sabrina records videos of her lip-syncing and dancing to her music on the tube. You might ask why this is so astonishing, I’m sure we’ve all lip-synced or done a dance for TikTok. The difference is Sabrina does her videos in public, where all can judge her. It takes guts to whip out a phone and start dancing in front of strangers, but in her videos, she displays confidence like no other. 

She’s inspired other women to own their confidence by whipping out their phones on their commutes to work, school and just everyday life. Life can be so serious sometimes, but it doesn’t need to be. Sometimes we can just have fun and dance while waiting to go to our destinations. 

Many on TikTok have taken on the challenge to lip-sync and dance with their phones on their modes of transportation, such as @jiayuejenny. Her videos are a bit different than Sabrina’s, where in hers she’s learning to gain the confidence to lip-sync and dance on the tube. I think many of us can sympathize that it is a little nerve-wracking to just bring out our phones and start dancing out of nowhere. However, it’s really all about taking that first step of trying, and eventually, we will gain the confidence to do so.

If you feel brave enough, on your college campuses’ bus, train or maybe even a scooter, take on the challenge of lip-syncing and dancing like Sabrina. If you’re not ready that’s also okay, it’s hard to make a public display of ourselves. Instead, there are other methods of owning your confidence, such as practicing self-affirmations, trying something new, or exercising. 

It’s all about what works for you and makes YOU feel great. Who knows, with these steps to improve your confidence, maybe you’ll catch yourself singing and dancing during your commute.  

Crista is a freshman at NC State University studying Fashion & Textile Management. This is her first year writing for Her Campus, and she is very excited to learn from all her peers! Outside of Her Campus, Crista was a communications director for the club at her school Politics Acting Locally. As a communications director, she would manage the social media and alert students of upcoming events. Crista also served as a member of her school's Sexuality and Gender Awareness Club (SAGA). She would collaborate with LGBTQ+ students to create a safe place to play games, interact, and act to overcome difficulties. She also was extremely involved in her church by serving in the children's ministry program and youth group. In her youth group, she would attend weekly meetings. Helped plan youth retreats, mentored new youth, and volunteered at food distributions, and Covid vaccinations events. In her children’s ministry group, she would lead a group of children for Sunday School. Helped with crafts, AV support, taught Bible lessons, played games, and connected with kids one on one. Crista was born in Durham, and raised in Apex, NC with her older sister and younger brother. She enjoys watching shows, discussing fashion, shopping, listening to music, trying new restaurants with her friends, and writing. Crista is a huge lover of rock music, pop music, and alternative music. Some of her favorite artists include Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, Arctic Monkeys, and The Strokes. Crista also loves to travel and has been to various countries in Latin America such as Mexico, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico!