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How to Make Your Summer 2024 a Hot Girl Summer

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Summer 2024 has finally arrived and no matter where you are going to be this is a guide on how to make it a hot girl summer. As an out-of-state student, I have never had the chance to experience a Raleigh summer. With that being said in order to have an amazing first summer in Raleigh I accumulated a list of things to do, places to go, and my TOP musts for this hot girl summer. This summer is going be not just a hot girl summer, but also a self-love summer, outside the comfort zone summer, and an it girl summer and this is how I plan on executing this tall order and exactly how you can too.

Step 1 Summer goals

What are you looking to learn, push yourself to finally do, or just create a habit for. Your goals can be as big as writing a book or as small as waking up before 8 AM. However in order to have a hot girl summer you need to strive towards something so decide on one or a few goals and watch as you reach/make progress towards that milestone, goal, or dream over the next 3 months.

Step 2 Find a new hobby or dive deeper into an existing one/Pick an old one backup

This can be in relation to your goal or completely different. Mine is to get into creating art more.

Some great examples include:

  • Sports (basketball, Pickleball, golf, soccer, etc.)
  • Reading
  • Art
  • Making music 
  • Writing 

You can find a group related to it in your area this can help hold you accountable to give it a true try and/or meet others who you have a shared interest with.

Step 3 Take yourself on dates

This one is self-explanatory, you have always wanted to go somewhere but wanted to go as a date idea? well taking yourself! A hot girl summer is full of self-love, just think of how many opportunities or experiences that we miss because we didn’t want to go alone. All the people you missed the chance to meet all because you were stuck in your comfort zone at home, and you are not alone everyone has been plagued by this at least once before including myself. 


  • Go to the movies
  • Take yourself to a coffee shop ( take it to the next level by bringing a journal and fully immersing yourself in the moment)
  • Go out to dinner
  • Have a picnic
  • Go to a museum 
  • Go to an activity (top golf, paint pottery, etc.)

If you are in the Raleigh area this is a list of places to try

  • The art museum 
  • Sitti
  • Raleigh Times
  • Cup a Joe
  • Jubala coffee
  • PRESS Coffe Crepes
  • Pullen Park
  • North Carolina State Farmers Public Market
Step 4 Go out with friends

While it is important to take yourself out and have time for yourself, grab a friend to go out with any date idea can always be made a friend date. You will have so much fun and sometimes it is easier to push outside our comfort zone when we have a familiar face doing it with us

Step 5 Live in the moment and go on adventures

Before you know it this summer will be over and you won’t even realize it has come and gone before it’s too late. Make sure you are present in the moments the big and small, I have found going with the flow as much as possible truly helps with this, trying new things and going on adventures all help you realize the beauties the world can offer you. This can be as much as a spur-of-the-moment weekend trip or going out to get a sweet treat.

This summer you will find me pushing myself forward to a new version of myself who is not afraid to face fears open to growth and living in the moment because at the end of the day that is the essence of a hot girl summer. I will be enjoying my first summer in Raleigh learning, sun tanning by the pool (with sunscreen of course!), taking myself out but also making time for my friends, and being open to all adventures that come my way! I hope you all have a great summer wolfpack! See you in the fall!

Samantha Moutsatsos is a returning member to Her Campus at NCSU. This is her second year being a part of the organization. She typically writes on topics focused around pop culture, fashion and the latest trends. Outside of Her Campus, Samantha is working towards a double degree in Chemical Engineering and Paper Science Engineering, with a minor in Polymer and Color Chemistry. This past summer she studied abroad in Lyon, France at ITECH, a small school known for its Leather program. She got to tour a LVMH Leather Tannery, go to a shoe museum and other trips around France while getting hands-on learning in labs and learning to make dyes, paints and cosmetics. Samantha was born in Mineola, New York but spent the 14 years leading up to college in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan with her younger brother and dog Zeus. She loves traveling, writing, making art, hanging out with friends, watching tv shows, shopping and reading in her free time. She is currently watching Madam Secretary on Netflix. After graduating Samantha hopes to start her own makeup company and get the opportunity to travel around the world for work. She hopes to live in Europe for a part of her life. After graduation I hope to continue to write and one day publish a book.