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How To Have A Great Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

This semester certainly hasn’t been easy on anyone, and good days really help to keep moving along, so I am going to share some tips and tricks that hopefully you can use in your own lives to either turn your day around or attempt to make every day a great day. 

It’s important to first think about the kind of person you are, whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, or if you are not sure, at least what kind of things you like and enjoy doing. For example, if you are an extrovert, you may want to try to include collaboration or social interaction in your day, if you are an introvert, maybe try to get some alone time, or meet up with one really good friend. 

Having completed some research on what really can create a great day, I discovered a few essential items to have a great day, whether you are an introvert or an extrovert.

  1. Free time. While individual choice and autonomy are hard to achieve when we have so many different daily responsibilities like class, work, extracurriculars, and more, making time for yourself to be able to do what you really want to, instead of what you have to do, is key.
  2. Gender. It has been shown that different genders seem to typically perceive their days differently. 
  3. If the day falls on a weekday or a weekend. There is usually more free time and less responsibility on the weekends, allowing you to incorporate more essential elements of great days easier.
  4. If you are still having residual thoughts from the day prior. Whether a negative effect lingers the day after a minor stressor occurs.

Now we can get into how to incorporate those essential items, utilizing knowing who you are, or having an idea of what you enjoy to make your day great through some general tips. 

My first tip is to be present. As hard as it can be sometimes, try to not get caught up thinking about the future, or the past for that matter. Some of my days are ruined immediately when I stress over things I can’t change. Take time to enjoy the day you are in at that moment, what you’re doing, and who you’re spending time with. You can’t change the past, and you can’t predict the future. Live in the moment!

For my second tip, we’re gonna go back to that idea of free time. Do less! Cut your schedule in half. As scary as it is and as much as you think you can’t, I guarantee there are a few things on your to-do list that actually can wait, that will lead to boosting your overall mental health and happiness for the day. Of course, you should still get the important things done, but take the rest and move them to next week. You’ll be less stressed out and have a much better day.

My third tip, and my favorite way to turn my day around, is to listen to your favorite music. While it is the most cliche tip, it works. Music alters our moods so much that you can pretty much transform your day in about three minutes. This has also been proved by research. Happy, upbeat music causes our brains to produce chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which evoke feelings of joy, and calming music relaxes the mind and the body. Depending on what you need that day, music can definitely play a role in altering the kind of day you are having.  

My final tip, and probably one of the most important ones, is to shift your perspective. If you go into your day thinking about how bad it is going to be because of a test you have, or maybe because you have to give a speech… it’s going to be bad. It is up to you to alter your mindset.

Shifting your mindset and your overall perspective going into your day, no matter what is on your plate, from negative to positive is key. When we open the blinds in the morning and see that it’s that rainy, dreary day and become upset, we can actively make the choice to make it a great day anyway.

In actuality, not every day is going to be a great day. But if there is anything you take from what I have shared, it is that you always have the power, and now the tools and knowledge, to make your day great. Some days it may take a little more work than others, but ultimately the power is in your hands. 

By thinking about the kind of person you are and what you enjoy and incorporating those things into your day, being present in the moment, attempting to get some free time, listening to great music, and staying positive you should be able to make any day a great day. I hope these tips I have shared can empower everyone here to make today great.

Hi there! I am a junior majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Buisness Admin, from Charlotte, NC! I'm so excited about this opportunity to turn my hobby of writing into something more <3