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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Finals can be a stressful time, but that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable. Here are some tips to help you keep your sanity and ace your exams!

1. Work it out

Hitting the gym is great for your body but also for your mental health. I find a gym break is perfect when you have been studying for a few hours and need a mental reset.

2. Get zen

Yoga is excellent for stretching your limbs and resetting your mind. Meditation is also a great way to calm your thoughts and can be paired with yoga or experienced on its own. Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or like you cannot achieve your goals, practice some yoga or meditation to ground yourself.

3. escape

Sometimes when you are studying you just need a little break from reality. Retreat into the world of your favorite show, book, or video game and forget about the stress of finals for a bit. Just because it’s finals season that doesn’t mean you have to abstain from entertainment!

4. Fuel yourself

You can’t study on an empty stomach! Enjoy your favorite comfort meals to help you relax, and fuel yourself with nutrient dense fruits and veggies to keep your brain running in tip-top shape!

5. Lean on your friends

Nobody should have to endure finals alone! Make sure you carve out time to catch up with friends and grab coffee. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed during finals, but it always helps to know that you are not alone and your friends are experiencing the finals grind too.

You’ve got this!

I hope these tips help you ace your finals! Happy studying, and remember to take care of yourself!

Ashley Rattenbury is a senior at NC State majoring in psychology and minoring in genetics and criminology. She currently works from home proofing legal transcripts. She has a passion for mental health, yoga, pilates, running, cooking, video games, art, and cartoons. After graduation, she plans to attend graduate school and study clinical mental health counseling. Ultimately, she wants to become a licensed clinical mental health counselor. She looks forward to writing articles about mental health, self-care and popular culture for Her Campus!