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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Welcome to a morning guide. Early in the morning is the time of day when I function best. I am an early bird. I do not enjoy staying up past 11:00 PM. Was I always like this? The answer is no. I fluctuate. I fall off the wagon of going to bed early and waking up early. I spent last semester hardly ever waking up before 10:30 AM and rarely went to bed before 1:00 AM. There’s nothing wrong with being a night owl. It’s all in what works best for you, I find that my productivity is low at night, and if I stay up all night, I take a lot of naps which interferes with how productive I can be. So, this is how I’ve become better at waking up early and taking my morning to focus on myself.


When I say early, I don’t mean you have to go to sleep at 7 o’clock. Going to bed so early isn’t feasible when we are in college. I’d never get any homework done if I went to bed by 7. However, I do prioritize going to bed before 11 PM, especially those mornings when I wake up at 5 AM. I like to wind down before bed by watching my favorite tv show or reading a book. I try to stay off my phone for at least 30 minutes before bed. Also, I keep an extra strict night routine. I do the same thing every single night to put myself in a sleep mindset.


Tracking my sleep overall makes me feel good. When I achieve those 8 hours of sleep, it motivates me to go to sleep earlier, and it’s nice to track the consistency of your bedtime and wake-up time. I use a Fitbit Inspire 2 to track my sleep, which gives me all of these fancy details that I find cool.


When I wake up, the first thing I do is turn on my favorite podcast or my favorite tv show, it gives me some background noise while I’m getting ready and makes me feel like getting up isn’t such a bad thing after all.


I like to remain mindful at all times, so I think about my day in the morning and set intentions for how it’ll go. If I go into the day with a positive mindset, I’m bound to have a good day.


I always immediately go to the bathroom and start by brushing my teeth and hair. If I need to, I’ll style my hair. Afterward, I make my bed and put on clothes. Somedays, I’ll go work out. Then, it’s time for makeup which usually ends with me getting hungry and getting some breakfast. I also try to drink a lot of water in the mornings and then drink some coffee or matcha for a little boost. I’ll pack my lunch for the day and use whatever leftover time I have to relax before my day.

don’t make waking up early negative

Think about it positively. You’ll be doing yourself a favor by waking up early. You won’t have to rush out the door, and you’ll feel better by the end of the day. Also, remember, it’s okay to not wake up early every day. Start slow, and just make sure you are getting 7-8 hours of sleep.

Hi! I'm an undergraduate student at North Carolina State University, double majoring in English Literature and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.