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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

This past summer, I had the chance to study abroad in France! If you want to know how I did it and how you can do it too, keep reading. 

I found the program I did through an email I received while on Christmas break last school year. However the best way to find one is through NC State’s study abroad website. Here are the steps:

1. Go to the above website where you can browse different places to go, semesters you can do it in, majors you can study while being there and much more. One important thing to note is that there are two different types of enrollments: direct enroll and exchange programs. The program I did was through a third party, and I directly applied to their program.

2. Once you have found the program you want to do, start your application. The website will walk you through everything you need to do. I would try to start an application at least two months prior to the due date as the process can take a bit of time and there will be documents you will need to get signed by your majors department head as well as the college head. 

3. Now, you need to decide the classes you will take, which is a process that falls within step two. Once you know the school you want to go to, I would check out the NC State transfer database which will show if you have taken any classes before from that university and transferred in. If they show up, this means they are already approved and you should be able to take them. However, if there is a class you want to take and it is not on there, don’t worry! This is why you will fill out a course approval form.

4. Studying abroad is not the most cost-friendly thing, however there are ways to counterbalance this. One would be to apply for scholarships which you can find here. If you are in an engineering program, there is something called Engineering You Experience (EYE) where you can apply to receive money for things such as study abroad. If you are an in-state student, an exchange program may be a more cost-friendly option, as you would be paying your NC State tuition, not the schools you are studying at. You can also keep your FAFSA if you take classes that work towards your degree and remain a full-time student. 

5. Make sure everything is submitted on time. When you find out if you have been accepted or not, make plans to try another university or start thinking about things you will pack and have the best time ever!

I followed the steps that I listed out above and by doing so, I got to spend a month in France and meet people from all over the world. If you are given the opportunity to study abroad, I would take it as it could end up being one of your most memorable experiences of your life!

Samantha Moutsatsos is a returning member to Her Campus at NCSU. This is her Third year being a part of the organization. She typically writes on topics focused around pop culture, fashion and the latest trends. Outside of Her Campus, Samantha is working towards a double degree in Chemical Engineering and Paper Science Engineering, with a minor in Polymer and Color Chemistry. This past summer she studied abroad in Lyon, France at ITECH, a small school known for its Leather program. She got to tour a LVMH Leather Tannery, go to a shoe museum and other trips around France while getting hands-on learning in labs and learning to make dyes, paints and cosmetics. Samantha was born in Mineola, New York but spent the 14 years leading up to college in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan with her younger brother and dog Zeus. She loves traveling, writing, making art, hanging out with friends, watching tv shows, shopping and reading in her free time. She is currently watching Madam Secretary on Netflix. After graduating Samantha hopes to start her own makeup company and get the opportunity to travel around the world for work. She hopes to live in Europe for a part of her life. After graduation I hope to continue to write and one day publish a book.