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How to Be Healthy While Having Fun

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

What if exercise has become boring and you don’t find any interest in it?  What if you’ve lost the passion to exercise?  You might want to try different sports or exercises to see how you like them.  I mostly play soccer and run.  However, running isn’t always fun and I do it when its not fun is to be the best soccer player that I can be.  There are some days when running is fun, but there are also those days when I just don’t want to run.  Here are some ideas to make being healthy fun again.

1.  Try to take a break from doing the same thing every day.
There are some days that I am tired of playing soccer because I’ve done it for a long time.  Even professional soccer players like Kristine Lilly and Abby Wambach take a couple of weeks off from soccer.  Don’t be afraid to take a break from doing the same thing every day.  I like to go play basketball if I’m tired of soccer and my passion for soccer comes back after playing another sport or taking time off from all exercise.

2.  Do things that don’t seem like exercise.
Activties like dancing, football or ice-skating. Ice skating, dancing, and football are not activities that I consider to be exercise because I have fun doing them.  Try to find sports or activities that are fun and therefore don’t seem like working out.  NC State has various dance teams, Dancing with Wolves or Fusion, that you can sign up for and some are very relaxed.  Some dance teams also host open practices for beginners and they are free.  Avoid boring workouts. If you are not having fun, then you will not continue your workout or sport and you will find more reasons to stop your workouts.

3.  Work out in a group.
If you are the type of person who needs other people to want to work out, then try getting a group together.  Gather your friends for a soccer game or throw a Frisbee around.  You could also sign up for one of the group exercise class that is held by University Recreation.  Check out information on NC State group classes at http://recreation.ncsu.edu/fitness/group-fitness.
4.  Take an extended break from the heavy activities and rest.
Sometimes the body just needs rest and the reason that some people lose their passion and excitement for their sport is because they are just so physically or mentally tired. Minor injuries can become major injuries if you’re not careful in treating them.  Injury has a way of making you feel like you aren’t as good in your sport anymore.  The only things you can do is rest and allow your injuries to heal through time.

5.  Relax and Have fun.
Don’t take exercise so seriously.  Have fun while you’re playing soccer or basketball.  I can’t emphasize this enough because some people just take a game so seriously that they lose all passion and desire to play.  Laugh while you are playing and just enjoy the game.  Don’t worry about the results of the game and whether you’re going to win or lose.  If you have a hard time relaxing during a game or practice, then try to chew gum.  Research has shown that recreational athletes who chew gum during games or competitions feel less pressure.
As the weather starts to get warmer put these tips to good use and go out and exercise or try a new activity. 

Anna is a Junior at North Carolina State University studying Communication with a concentration in Public Relations and minoring in journalism. She writes for a PR blog for her internship and enjoys writing in her spare time as well. She is part of Delta Gamma sorority and loves every aspect that DG has to offer especially hanging with all her sisters. Her future goals include working PR or within with PR either in sports or the entertainment business.