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Get Internship Ready!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.
It’s about that time where if you are going to have a summer internship, it is all lined up and ready to go. If you haven’t thought about finding an internship, or even a summer job, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

In the PGA Golf Management Program, we are required to go on three internships. As freshman at NCSU, we have a special weekly seminar that we are required to attend called Get Internship Ready, prepared and presented by Luke Davis and Steve Houg. The advice that was learned during the Get Internship Ready program was very valuable and helped each one of the students be fully prepared for an interview and the internship itself.

Many students do not have the privilege of knowing what to expect when they go for their first
interview or internship or job. So, collegiettes, here is the first of many lessons just for you about how to Get Internship Ready!

Dress to Impress!
Everyone knows that a picture is worth a thousand words, but so is a first impression. A first impression is hard to change. If two people show up with the same credentials, experience and abilities, but one is wearing a suit and the other is wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the one in the suit is going to get the job.
Let’s talk about what to wear. Besides our smile, be sure to dress professionally. Even if you are just applying for a summer job, look nice. Gray, navy or black dress slacks or a pencil skirt is always a
classic go to item and a button down shirt pairs nicely with either. Don’t show too much cleavage, it’s
unprofessional and even though sometimes we can use it to our advantage, this just isn’t the time.
Flats or heels are the only appropriate shoe for a job interview; flip flops are too casual, even if they are
dressy. And always match, being mismatched is ok for a grocery store run or a day of classes, but if you want someone to take you seriously, take your time when you are getting ready.

Be Personable!
The first impression is just as important as the answers to the interviewer’s questions. Ladies, always look well groomed. Brush your hair and teeth, don’t coat you’re face in makeup, and always be clean! Show up on time, and better yet, fifteen minutes early. Being punctual is something that all employers look for so show them your best! When you arrive, give a firm hand shake and show off you’re beautiful smile! We all have one, so why not use it to our advantage.

That’s all for this Get Internship Ready lesson. The first impression is the most important and to make it count, look you’re best and always put a smile on!
Campus Correspondent and Founder of Her Campus NCSU - kristiedemers@hercampus.com Kristie Demers is a Senior English major at North Carolina State University. When she isn't studying or busy working on campus, Kristie enjoys running, writing, reading, photography, and painting. She volunteered as an athletic trainer for the Cheerleading team freshman year and developed an unwavering devotion for the Wolfpack. This Wisconsin natives passions include traveling, spending time with family and friends, and loving even the little things in life. Although she is down to earth and loves making people smile, Kristie is hard working and welcomes challenges. All that this happy-go-lucky girl dreams for the future is to write for a magazine and live at the beach. In the meantime, her heart lies in the bricks at N.C. State and beats with every chime of the Bell Tower!