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Garret Jackson ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Name: Garret Jackson
Year: 2013
Major:  Human Biology with a minor in “Health, Medicine, and Human VA” and also “Health”.

What do you hope to do this summer?
I’m hoping to go down to the Florida to hit the wakeboard park and maybe take a vacation to Myrtle with some friends.

What’s your favorite guilty pleasure song of the moment?
“Pray” by Justin Bieber…gotta love that kid.

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Athletic, unique, and thoughtful.

What is the best summer meal?
Lobster tail and steak…can’t get any better than that.

What is your ultimate summer job?
This summer I am working at a biomedical engineering firm that makes prosthetics and I get to watch surgeries, so that’s a pretty good job. But I would have to say working as an athletic trainer assistant for the Charlotte Panthers or Atlanta Falcons would have to be the ultimate summer job.

Single or taken? 
I’m taken by a gorgeous Persian girl.

Where is your favorite summer vacation spot?
Key Largo in the Florida Keys.

How does it feel being our LAST campus cutie of the 2010-2011 school year!?
Well I would definitely have to say that first is always better than last, but I guess you cant lose with the fact that your a “campus cutie” so I’ll have to say pretty good.

Tell us a secret:
I had five girlfriends in elementary school…a new five everyday because I got to choose.

What is the one thing you learned this semester from classes?
In my Human Sexuality class I learned/watched all about birthing…nasty right?

What is one thing you learned outside of classes this semester?
I learned that if you want something done you have to just stop what your doing and get it done or it’ll never be complete…the importance of overcoming procrastination!

What will you miss most over summer about college?
I will definitely miss the college life from the parties to just hanging out by the pool with everyone.

Campus Correspondent and Founder of Her Campus NCSU - kristiedemers@hercampus.com Kristie Demers is a Senior English major at North Carolina State University. When she isn't studying or busy working on campus, Kristie enjoys running, writing, reading, photography, and painting. She volunteered as an athletic trainer for the Cheerleading team freshman year and developed an unwavering devotion for the Wolfpack. This Wisconsin natives passions include traveling, spending time with family and friends, and loving even the little things in life. Although she is down to earth and loves making people smile, Kristie is hard working and welcomes challenges. All that this happy-go-lucky girl dreams for the future is to write for a magazine and live at the beach. In the meantime, her heart lies in the bricks at N.C. State and beats with every chime of the Bell Tower!