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Celebrating Valentines Day- Going out or staying in

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years now, and every year the decision to stay in or go out to celebrate Valentine’s Day becomes more and more difficult. While some believe that the only way to really enjoy the holiday is to go out to a nice restaurant and enjoy a good meal with your significant other, sometimes the idea of simply staying in and enjoying your time together seems much more ideal.

We still don’t know what we are going to do this year, but we are leaning towards staying in, so here are some of my current ideas on how to enjoy Valentine’s Day with your loved one to the fullest if you are leaning towards staying in on the most romantic day of the year.

First, we were thinking about buying the meal that we would have ordered at a restaurant, from the store, and making it ourselves. Cooking dinner together, enjoying the meal, and then having a movie night where we watch all of our favorite Rom Coms is one of the ideas that we currently have placed pretty high on our list of possible things to do. If you’re not feeling up to cooking a restaurant quality meal, maybe order a pizza and cuddle up on the couch! We were also thinking about making all of the Valentines Day goodies! From chocolate covered strawberries, to making cookies we can decorate!

Whether to stay in or go out on Valentines day, to me, always seems to be depending on the mood I am in at the time, making it hard to plan ahead of time. If I’ve had a super busy stressful week, odds are I will want to stay in, however, it really can be fun to go out to a nice dinner and maybe find a fun activity to do afterwards. I have a pretty good feeling that this year we will be staying in and celebrating to both save money and avoid the crowds while spending some nice alone time together!

I hope that some of my ideas helped you to decide what you are doing for Valentines Day with your significant other! Keep in mind that no matter what you do, you will be with the one you love! Make the most of it. And I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day.

Hi there! I am a junior majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Buisness Admin, from Charlotte, NC! I'm so excited about this opportunity to turn my hobby of writing into something more <3