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5 Things to Do if You’re Going Home for Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Let’s be honest, not everyone is going to be flying to another country or driving 12 hours to sit on a beach for spring break. And that’s okay!!! While yes those types of spring breaks can be super fun they can also be draining and not that relaxing. So, if you’re thinking about just going home for spring break to save some money and see your family here are some ideas you can do in your hometown.

  1. Go try a bunch of local restaurants 

Okay, I know you’ve probably already eaten at the same local Mexican restaurant in your hometown a billion times but I wanna encourage you to reach out and try different places too. I come from a pretty small town but every time I’m home it seems a new small local restaurant has popped up out of nowhere, and what better way to support your hometown than buying local?

  1. Go on a family picnic 

This may sound kinda cringy I know, but think about how cool it would be if everyone in your family chose a different dish to bring and you all went out to your local park, or even field and laid out a huge blanket and had everyone try each other’s dishes. 

  1. Try something new creatively 

You may think you don’t have a single creative bone in your body, but this spring break you should challenge yourself to try at least one creative type activity just for the fun of it. Whether it’s painting, taking a pottery class, or starting to write a book just have fun with it and don’t put any pressure on yourself for it to be perfect, this is a time just to let the creative juices flow with no boundaries. 

  1. Learn a new recipe 

I’m probably one of the worst cooks there are. And one thing I’ve been wanting to challenge myself with is learning to create new recipes that are easy to cook as a college student. You might be in the same boat as me and hate cooking with a passion, so maybe over spring break you can finally try a recipe that sounds amazing but with your parent’s groceries.

  1. Do absolutely nothing

Let’s be real, this semester has not been an easy one. As a student body, we are struggling mentally, and if you feel you need to take spring break to just do nothing and have no responsibilities for a while that is perfectly okay. Remember, your spring break is your time and don’t let anyone else’s opinions dictate what you wanna do and how you want to spend your free time. 

Now while these are only a few suggestions on what to do during spring break, I hope whatever you do and wherever you go know that you deserve this rest and relaxation and ask yourself what you truly need to feel that peace. Thank you for reading, I hope you have an amazing spring break truly for yourself <3

Hi everyone, my name is Roxie and I'm from Charlotte, NC! I'm a junior majoring in marketing and minoring in art and design. I love dancing, spending time outdoors, baking, and drawing/creating. I've always loved the creative freedom that comes with writing and I'm so excited to be a part of Her Campus!