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The Student Spotlight Part 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.

Name: Kamara Parker

Classification: Sophomore

Major: Child Development and Family Studies

Hometown: Centreville, Virginia 

Campus Involvement: Virginia Aggies, Aggie HeartThrob

Social Media: Instagram 

What is something about you that no one knows?

I used to compete in beauty pageants. They were really fun, it took me seven tries to win one though. 

What made you want to attend North Carolina A&T?

I wanted to go out of state to get away from my parents. I was always interested in attending an HBCU, so why not go to the best one?!

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I used to want to be a preschool teacher, but now I’m not so sure. I hope by five years from now, I’ve finished undergraduate and graduate school, and I’ll be working with children somehow.

Nacos or tacos?


What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to be crazy with my friends, go on adventures, or just watch HGTV.

What motivates you?

Hope that my future will be bright.

If you could give the younger you any piece of advice, what would it be?

I would tell her to not make those stupid mistakes she’s about to make. She’ll regret them, and be thankful she avoided them. Contrary to popular belief, not everything happens for a reason.

Do you believe in sliding in the DMs?

If a guy slides into my DMs with something actually sweet and maybe a little corny, I’ll probably reply back. Especially if it’s something specific to me, not just “You’re cute.”

Tea or lemonade?

Sweet tea, yum!

Favorite college memory so far?

All the new places to eat. Before college, I had never had chicken and waffles, Cook Out, Waffle House, even Bojangles!

What/how was your first college party experience?

My first college party actually wasn’t all that exciting. But as I started to go to more, I could see what all the hype was about and now people consider me to be a “party animal.”

What is the biggest challenge you’ve encountered in college thus far? 

Learning how to become an adult. It’s really hard, and I’m really bad at it. But hopefully in the rest of my time here, I’ll start to do better.

Hi everyone! I am a sophomore at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University who should be majoring in Weddings, but is actually a Journalism & Mass Communications student with a concentration in Multimedia. Originally I am from Woodbridge, Virginia, which is about 30 minutes south of our nation’s capital. I have lived here all my life, but I’m not afraid to branch out and explore the world. This past summer I studied abroad in Sydney, Australia to engage and immerse myself in Australian culture. The experience was phenomenal and I’m already counting down the days until I can return that beautiful country. Check out my Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.