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Celina Timmerman-Cup
Celina Timmerman-Cup
Celina Timmerman / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.

These days are filled with uncertainty and regret. Overwhelming sense of uncertainty fills my body as if I was created with it. I mean I’ve always been uncertain of my future, but damn. This is on a whole other level. 

I feel weird all the time now. Almost like I’m not myself. Some days are easier than others, of course. I wake up some mornings to the sun kissing my melanated skin and the smell of turkey bacon roaming into my airways. And those are the days my confidence shines through my skin. I can do this. This isn’t so bad after all. 

But, then there’s those days where I never get out of bed. As soon as the sun hits my eyes, I roll over to the other side. And don’t even think about talking to me. I don’t feel like doing anything and when I say anything, I mean anything. 

I always knew that I took life for granted but never knew how much. It’s so easy to do so. These habits and routines that I’ve been accustomed to for so long aren’t that easy to shake. We all do it. And now we are all in our house telling the Universe that if you give me one more chance, I promise not to take anything for granted. 

Not realizing that we’re doing it right now, at this very moment. 

Girl Holding Her Knees
Breanna Coon / Her Campus

A junior at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, enjoying her tender age by indulging in reading and eating as many tacos as her stomach will allow. Talking to everyone that crosses her path, she is very different from her once introvert personality. Allowing her curiosity to lead the way into the world.
I am a multimedia journalism student at North Carolina A&T. I love film and hope to one day direct my own movies.