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The Buzz on a Beautiful Voice

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.

Adele’s 11-song masterpiece of an album was released on Friday, November 20. Her hit single “Hello” tells a beautiful story from the other side of a broken heart. So far the album has sold 2.3 million units in one weekend, “more copies in its first week than any other album in history…” according to the Consequence of Sound website.

A fan of the songstress, Shon K. describes her music as “Why so magical?” and adds that “You know how Peter Pan can fly, Adele’s music makes me feel like I can fly.”

Lewis M., an Adele fan for over five years, suggest that “Not a single person [is] messing with Adele” and that she will win “Too damn many” awards for her third album!

“Best album of 2015, but only second behind Adele’s sophomore record “21”, exclaimed Chris W. He also states that “[Her] music makes me feel like I’m not the only one going through things.”

Recently converted Adele fan, Steve O., says that the Grammy-winning singer is “very impressive” and makes him feel “relaxed.”

I, personally, like Adele’s new album and have always been a fan of hers. I would have to say that my favorite songs include “I Miss You,” “Love in the Dark,” and “Sweetest Devotion.”

I love Beyonce & Erykah Badu ! twitter: @unjordynary, ig:@un.jordyn.ary
Hi everyone! I am a sophomore at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University who should be majoring in Weddings, but is actually a Journalism & Mass Communications student with a concentration in Multimedia. Originally I am from Woodbridge, Virginia, which is about 30 minutes south of our nation’s capital. I have lived here all my life, but I’m not afraid to branch out and explore the world. This past summer I studied abroad in Sydney, Australia to engage and immerse myself in Australian culture. The experience was phenomenal and I’m already counting down the days until I can return that beautiful country. Check out my Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.