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Black Love: College Edition Part 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCAT chapter.

Even though Valentine’s Day just passed love is still in the air. There is one happy couple that is still as cute as ever.

Freshmen couple Jamila Sylvester and Terence Thurman will have been together for six months on February 15th and have known each other for about 8-9 months.

Jamila is from Columbus, Ohio and Terence hails from Charleston, South Carolina and here’s their story:

These two engineer students both met during a summer program at A&T out of a small group of 16 others. At first, Terence came across as annoying and pestering to his now girlfriend, and to him, she was kind of rude.

“Eventually, we started talking and I think what really hit it off was that I had an asthma attack within the first week and he was there and the ambulance came, he sat with me the whole time…” Terence never left Jamila’s side that day, doing anything she asked of him, and has been there ever since.

For Valentine’s Day, Terence planned a surprise for his significant other, which will included, going out to Dame’s Chicken and Waffles, a favorite of many Aggies. Plus, they painted on canvases, “she likes to paint and that’s like relaxing for her…” Finally he had a few of her friends go in her dorm room to decorate it and set up lights, then they watched movies. Jamila had a candygram and an edible arrangement for her boyfriend.




I love Beyonce & Erykah Badu ! twitter: @unjordynary, ig:@un.jordyn.ary
Hi everyone! I am a sophomore at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University who should be majoring in Weddings, but is actually a Journalism & Mass Communications student with a concentration in Multimedia. Originally I am from Woodbridge, Virginia, which is about 30 minutes south of our nation’s capital. I have lived here all my life, but I’m not afraid to branch out and explore the world. This past summer I studied abroad in Sydney, Australia to engage and immerse myself in Australian culture. The experience was phenomenal and I’m already counting down the days until I can return that beautiful country. Check out my Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.