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Style > Beauty

One Swipe Wonder? Bifesta’s Micellar Cleansing Water Sebum Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nanyang Tech chapter.

Tired of taking that nice awesome nap and waking up to find makeup artfully smudged on your face? Bifesta’s Micellar Cleansing Water might be your motivation to get that clean, makeup-free face before you hop into bed. 

My experience with makeup and makeup removers that do not live up to their name was in my secondary school years. I used to have a face caked in makeup because of dance performances (I was in a dance CCA who had a little too much makeup to spare). Removing makeup after performances was dreadful. The end result of attempting to rid my face of makeup seemed as though I got punched in the eyes.

Fast forward to after graduation, I stayed away from makeup, wholly because I was constantly surrounded by it in my teens and I didn’t want to go through the hassle of removing makeup at the end of the day, I mostly only put on makeup during special occasions. 

My non-existent, renaissance eyebrows prompted me however, to draw them once in a while. It wasn’t until Bifesta very kindly sent us a sample that I decided to really try my hand at makeup as an everyday routine. Yes, you can use micellar water to remove sunblock too, but I wanted to go all out.

bottle pump
Original photo by Gabrielle Chua

Right off the bat, the bottle looked very pristine. It also comes with its very own pump stopper! Great for carrying on the go (staycation, hall stay, travel). Bifesta’s Micellar Cleansing Water Sebum contains green tea extract. That touch of au naturale already puts me at ease. It also works great for people with oily skin. So, picking up the bottle, here’s my honest review. One to two pumps on a cotton wool would normally be good to go.

There was no acidic scent. There was no scent at all! It looks (and smells) just like water. The eyes were what I considered the hardest area to remove makeup from, and, let me just say, I was pleasantly surprised. It took one swipe, one, to remove almost all the eyeshadow off! I used the same cotton wool for both my eyes without needing to add more pumps.

makeup on arm
Original photo by Gabrielle Chua


removing makeup
Original photo by Gabrielle Chua

After one swipe

The after result? Great. As someone who has sensitive skin (which would usually feel dry and itchy after a wash), I did not have that tugging sensation after using the sebum. There was also no greasy or oily after-feel. My eyes were not irritated, and the best part — I didn’t have to do a double cleanse. The sebum acts as both a makeup remover and cleanser. Feel free to take that nap or sleep through the night after ridding your face of makeup.

Not a makeup kinda girl? You can even use the sebum to cleanse your face on the daily! Get your very own Bifesta Micellar Cleansing Water Sebum at $17.90 for 400ml on Bifesta’s website, Guardian,or Watsons

Disclaimer: We reviewed the previous edition of the product. Links included in this article are for its new and updated version!

Gabrielle Chua

Nanyang Tech '24

With a stash of Roald Dahl novels in her possession from childhood, Gabrielle seldom has a tight grip on reality. In her spare time, she enjoys printmaking and writing for her local animal shelter.
Ruijia Huang

Nanyang Tech '23

A Psychology & Linguistics undergraduate who is a little obsessed with lifting and Chinese food.