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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.

Name: John Maiolo

Major: Finance

What are three words you would use to describe yourself?

Hardworking, Focused, Friendly

How old were you when you started playing golf?

“I received my first golf set when I was 2 1/2 years old but I started golfing competitively in 8th grade.”

When did you know you wanted to play golf in college?

“My Junior year of high school I got the “golf bug” and switched from playing baseball to golf. I knew I wanted to play in college ever since.”

What is your favorite part about being a student golfer at Manhattanville?

“My favorite part is forming such good friendships and bonding with my teammates. I also enjoy having the privilege to play on such nice golf courses.”

What are your plans after graduation?

“I want to start my career in the finance industry somewhere located in the tri-state area.”

What will you miss the most about Manhattanville after you graduate?

“I will miss the college life, my friends, and my teammates.” 

Senior at Manhattanville College. Class of 2018. Marketing major with a Finance concentration and Management minor. Treasurer of the Manhattanville Hercampus chapter.
Shanice Peters is a Senior at Manhattanville College. She is from Brooklyn, NY. She's a Creative Writing major with a minor in Marketing and Communications. In her free time she enjoys making YouTube videos about fashion and beauty, writing on her personal blog and watching Gossip Girl. She's excited to be the Campus Correspondent for Manhattanville and hopes to engage students in her last year.