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Helpful Tips for The Busy Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.

I will admit that I am the busiest person you will ever meet. You can always find me running off to go accomplish something or hear me discussing about everything I must do today or this week. When I first became a busy girl, I will admit I was never super organized. As time went on, I became more focused on being organized and also realizing what is important for my lifestyle.

A Planner Will Save you

I can not stress enough how much a planner helps me. It reminds me of everything I must do academic related and even socially. I write down all my homewotk assignments, important paper due dates, meetings, birthdays and so on. I know it seems a bit crazy, but you won’t forget something if It’s written down. Ever since I started my planner, I’ve remembered everything I had to do.

Prioritize Sleep

Getting enough sleep is something I still struggle with, but I’ve made it more of a priority than I ever have before. I learned to say no to late night hangouts sometimes and other social events just so I can sleep. Remember, you need at least an hour to relax for sleep before actually sleeping. My normal limit depending on the day and when classes end is to be in my room by 10pm and to relax for that hour before getting into my bed by 11pm.

Embrace Morning Hours

I’m not a morning person. I hate the idea of waking up super early for a class or an occasion. I just get more tired. While I despise the morning, I realized that the earlier you wake up and get your day started, the more you can accomplish. Time is precious and there isn’t much time to complete everything in a day. I’ve recently have aimed to get up everyday at 7 am. Then plan from there. I spend an hour checking and responding to emails and another hour to eat or get ready. It also gives me time to get more homework done. Once the day ends, you’ll be thankful for waking up early and having more time to yourself at night.

Say No More Often

I use to always say yes. “Yes, I will cover your shift.” or “Yes, I will help you get ready for your date.” Now that I’m older, I’ve realized learning to say no is so important. Not just as a busy person, but also as a woman in society today. You know your schedule and how much you can take. You know how hard it can be to balance certain activities. Most of all, you know how much time you have to do everything and you know that you must have time for yourself. If your friend asks you to edit their paper and you know you don’t have time or you have your own stuff to do, say no. If you were asked to host an event and you know your schedule is booked that week, say no. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or can’t be trusted. It just means you know the line between work and yourself.  

What are some tips that you could give for a busy girl? Tweet us @hercampusmville and let us know!

Shanice Peters is a Senior at Manhattanville College. She is from Brooklyn, NY. She's a Creative Writing major with a minor in Marketing and Communications. In her free time she enjoys making YouTube videos about fashion and beauty, writing on her personal blog and watching Gossip Girl. She's excited to be the Campus Correspondent for Manhattanville and hopes to engage students in her last year.