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woman wearing green graduation cap
Juan Ramos/Unsplash

(Grad)-fully Graduate School: It is possible

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.

If you want to go to grad school you can! Of course, I can, but who is going to pay for it? Trust me I understand the frustration and I am currently there right now. The truth is, sometimes we’re so busy with our undergrad we forget about furthering our educational career. We think it’s so out of reach and not in our futures when in reality it can be.

            I met a professor this year who educated me on my grad school options and opportunities. I feel that EVERYONE should at least know this so we’re all playing on an equal field here.

“Where to Find Programs?

Graduate School search engines:



If not? Google is always your friend. Search your desired degree and look up specific schools

Who you should contact? Definitely the Administrative assistant, department chair or even current students. The more informed you are the better.  

NOW, FUNDING! *opens bank account* (sad face)

A lot of us have part-time jobs that barely sustains our late-night eating habits from studying so hard. Funding for Graduate school is usually where people draw the line that “this” isn’t for me. But truthfully, it doesn’t have to be that way.

All you need is to look for some key terms when you’re doing your research: Tuition Waiver, Stipend, Assistantship.

Tuition waiver allows your tuition to be paid either in full or in certain increments.

A Stipend falls into what is called an Assistantship. Those big schools with teacher’s assistant or instructors, yea they are usually graduate students. Getting paid to get educated and gaining experience. It is a salary you will earn for either being a Research Assistant or a Teacher Assistant. Every school is different; therefore, getting informed is key. Some schools automatically make you a candidate for these opportunities while others may need to you to file for these separately. Some schools offer them and others don’t. Again, contacting the school and asking these questions will help you narrow your school choices if money is the issue.

THE GRE. No, it does not stand for greatest reputation ever, in fact, it is a standardized test that some schools require from you. It stands for Graduate Record Examination. There are 3 parts

  • Analytical Writing
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Quantitate Reasoning

Think about all the nightmares of the SAT coming back to haunt you. But don’t worry you’re a college student now. Much wiser, educated and organized than your 17-year-old self was years ago.

Again, some schools require it, others don’t. They are given at test centers on certain dates so check them out and find a location near you. It costs $160 to take it and $27 each time you send a score. Classes and or books it all depends on your learning style. Most people study for 1 month to 3 months.

Along with the GRE and your application, you must also have 3 letters of recommendation, and a personal statement or portfolio. It all depends on the program you want to study. Again, think about the process when applying to college for undergrad but take that knowledge and experience not as a revised nightmare but as a more educated well organize you. Because I don’t know about you but I didn’t know what I was doing when I first applied to college. Learn from your mistakes, get informed and there is always room to progress and make it better.


Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Manhattanville  Want to join? Feel free to contact me at 1(914)467-9567 or cheskavkola@gmail.com