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Finals Week Recovery: The Sleep Revolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.

Finals week is over! With that being said it’s time to catch up on some much needed sleep! Arianna Huffington’s new book The Sleep Revolution helps all of us better understand how to achieve a goodnights sleep! 

Arianna Huffington is the founder and the editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post. In her newest book The Sleep Revolution, Arianna covers sleep deprivation and the importance of sleep. As college students, we tend to forget how important sleep is and tend to not keep it as a top priority. Instead, we pull all nighters and run on only a couple of hours asleep or rely on caffine to keep us going. We fail to truly realize the importance of sleep and why it is good for our overall well being.

Below are 12 tips from Arianna herself on how to improve your sleep:

I personally follow a few of these tips for bedtime! I find chamomile tea amazing before getting all cozy in bed. I always have a book by my bed so I can read and relax my mind for sleep. When I go to bed I make sure the T.V. is off, lights are off and I have my window cracked open just a little to keep a nice cool room. It’s also good to have some fresh air while you sleep.

Along with these helpful tips that you can follow before you sleep, Arianna also gives us some helpful reminders on why we must get some sleep. Take these daily goals and establish them into your life.

Check out the Sleep Revolution Manifesto below:

We had the awesome opportunity to recieve a sleep kit which contains some great items to help us get a better sleep. We recieved a copy of The Sleep Revolution, #SLEEPREVOLUTION sleep mask, a Coco-Mat pillow, Sense (sleep tracker to improve your sleep), and Rohm (portable white noise sound machine)! All of this came in a really cute #SLEEPREVOLUTION Arianna Huffington tote! 

You can purchase your copy of The Sleep Revolution here.

Shanice Peters is a Senior at Manhattanville College. She is from Brooklyn, NY. She's a Creative Writing major with a minor in Marketing and Communications. In her free time she enjoys making YouTube videos about fashion and beauty, writing on her personal blog and watching Gossip Girl. She's excited to be the Campus Correspondent for Manhattanville and hopes to engage students in her last year.