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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mville chapter.

So last weekend I attended my first college fashion week, despite the many troubles that happened during that day it was probably one of the best days I’ve had in while. As someone who is considered a curvy girl, it was amazing to see just how Primark collaborated with college fashion week to create cute fall outfits and also show diversity and inclusion within models and runaways. As soon as you walked into the event venue, you just felt the amazing vibes. We walked in and were greeted by amazing event staff who treated us to Ulta goodie bags! Which had an amazingggggg amount of goodies, the countless photo booths and the overall show was amazing! It was really a great way to spend my Saturday and I can’t wait for the next one! Shoutout to all the amazing people who were apart of it!


Here are some flicks from the show:



Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Manhattanville  Want to join? Feel free to contact me at 1(914)467-9567 or cheskavkola@gmail.com