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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Murray State chapter.

I know around this time of year, a lot of us are feeling down, and some of us are really stressed. Most campuses just went back to having classes, and after winter break, it can be hard to get back into the swing of things. It’s completely normal to be overwhelmed when you start the semester again. Fortunately, there is a way that you can boost your mood pretty quicky and cheaply! Whether you go to a florist or just to Walmart, buying a houseplant is a great way to not only make your house or room look great, but it can make you less stressed too. 

Houseplants are really good at improving the look of an area, but that’s not always enough to make some of that stress melt away. So what is it about houseplants that make them good to have? Suprisingly, they make you more creative and productive. Working and doing school online can really have an effect on your ability to concentrate. Having plants in your room or on your desk may make it easier to do your work without getting too upset. According to The Sill, plants also reduce stress, fatigue, sore throats, and colds. Winter is a time when people can get sick pretty easily. Having a houseplant may not eleminate your chance of catching a cold, but they do absorb toxins in the air and provide oxygen, as well as humidity, which will decrease the chances at least a little. 

Houseplants are not as hard to take care of as you think. Doing a little bit of research on your plant can help it live a very long life. What I would reccomend is researching kinds of plants that can be left inside and don’t require much sunlight. Devil’s Ivy can survive in the worst conditions, ZZ plants can go a while without being watered, and cactuses are perfect to be left in that sunny spot that just needs a little revamping. If you’ve killed every single plant you’ve owned, looking into Pothos or Aglaonema may be beneficial for you. There really is one for everyone!

Overall, if you want to improve your moods, or maybe just add a little color to a dreary space, plants are a cheap and easy way to do it. Go buy one today!


“Why you Need Plants in Your Life.” The Sill, https://www.thesill.com/blogs/care-miscellaneous/why-you-need-plants-in-…. Accesed 4 Feb. 2021. 

Taylor Moore

Murray State '24

Taylor Moore is currently a sophomore at Murray State University majoring in Advertising. On campus she is part of the Honors College, Ads Club, Springer-Franklin RCC Executive Board, and Her Campus! When she isn't in her classes, she enjoys kayaking, hanging out with friends, crafting, and other on campus activities.