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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Murray State chapter.

As we get back into classes after weeks of laying low, the stress of school and extracurricular activities can really take a toll on your mood. It is so easy to fall into a negative thought process when you are bogged down by work and not able to have as much social interaction as you’re used to. Although you may be feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment, hopefully these tips will help you to uplift your mood and spread positivity to those around you. 

1: Pack your favorite snack for a study break.

  • Okay let’s be honest, who doesnt feel better after eating a little tasty snack? If you know you are going to have a long day of studying, or you have back-to-back classes, pack yourself a treat when you are getting ready in the morning! Not only will it fuel your brain for a day of learning, but it will give you something to look forward to in your day!  

2. Schedule a lunch date. 

  • Whether you are on campus, or strictly on Zoom, plan some time in the middle of your day to close out of your school work, eat a sandwich, and have a quality conversation with a good friend. Having a lunch date scheduled will give you motivation to finish your morning work and will recharge your brain so that you’re ready to take on your afternoon tasks. 

3. Take a NAP. 

  • Now I’m not saying sleep for the entire afternoon, but sometimes 10-15 minutes of closing your eyes can make all the difference. If you are feeling irritable or extra sleepy, listen to your body! Set a timer, turn on some relaxing music, and give your brain a little rest. When you wake up, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to crush your to-do list. 

4. Add commutes to your routine.

  • Leave your house a few minutes early and park on the opposite side of campus from your academic building! The longer walk will get your blood moving and give you some extra time in the fresh air. Plus, you never know who you will see walking on campus. A friendly face and a quick chat can make all the difference in your mood! 


Julia Cwiklowski

Murray State '21

Julia Cwiklowski is a senior studying Advertising and Marketing at Murray State University. When she isn't studying, you can find her working out, listening to podcasts, or curled up with a good book. Julia loves to cook, go on hikes and hang with her friends. After graduation, Julia hopes to work as a project manager at an advertising agency.