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Introvert’s Guide to Living On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Murray State chapter.

If you’re an introvert, living in a residential hall with several hundred people, sharing a bathroom with your floor and living with a roommate can be difficult. It’s an adjustment from living at home, and it can be hard to find alone time. The most important thing to remember is to take care of yourself.  

Don’t feel guilty for needing alone time.

Being an introvert and being super involved on campus can leave you drained. Some days you have classes and meetings until late with barely enough time to eat. Don’t feel bad if you need to take some time for yourself before getting together with friends or working on homework.    

Know where to go to get away.

When your roommate is in the room a lot, alone time is hard to come by. Finding a spot to relax outside of your room can help when you need a break from all of the people. Some good spots on campus at Murray State include the zen garden by the Price Doyle Fine Arts building, the picnic table area outside of Faculty Hall, and the skywalk linking the Biology building to Jesse D. Jones Hall.   

Head off campus.

When you need a break from school and stress, going off campus can help you escape the chaos. There are plenty of places within walking distance in Murray. You could walk to a restaurant, to Dairy Queen, or to Cheri Theaters. You could drive out to Land Between the Lakes (LBL) and go hiking or visit the Murray State Arboretum which is within walking distance of the residential halls.    

Go for a drive.

If all else fails, hop in your car and drive. You can roll the windows down, turn up the music and tune out the world.

If you don’t have a way to physically get away, mentally escape.

Popping headphones in on your walk to class or when you’re doing homework can help you forget about the people surrounding you. Reading books or watching TV can help clear your mind too.

Find friends who are like family.

Nothing helps you adjust to college more than making friends you can count on. Even if you don’t talk through your problems, having a support system available will make you feel at home. 

Being an introvert on campus can be exhausting, but if you make time for yourself, then the time you spend with others will be more enjoyable.   

Sydney Wedbush

Murray State

Sydney Wedbush is a junior English/Creative Writing major at Murray State. When she's not reading or writing for class, she's reading and writing for fun. Want to find her in her natural habitat? Check the book store or library, and make Harry Potter references.