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What’s the Link Between Dreams and Memories?

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

Have you ever wondered what’s the link between dreams and memories? Do you sometimes wake up with vivid images of people, places, or events that you can’t recall ever experiencing? Or do you sometimes have dreams that seem to be inspired by your past memories, but with a twist? If so, you’re not alone. Dreams and memories are closely related, and in this article, I’ll explain how and why.

Dreams are the products of our subconscious mind, which constantly processes information from our waking life and our long-term memory. Dreams can be influenced by many factors, such as our emotions, thoughts, expectations, desires, fears, and beliefs. Dreams can also reflect our current concerns, problems, or goals, and help us find creative solutions or new perspectives.

Memories are the records of our past experiences, which are stored in different parts of our brains. Memories can be divided into two types: declarative and procedural. Declarative memories are those we can consciously recall and describe, such as facts, events, or personal stories. Procedural memories are the ones that we can perform without thinking, such as skills, habits, or routines.

Dreams and memories interact in various ways. For example:

  • Dreams can help us consolidate and integrate new memories into our existing knowledge. When we sleep, our brain reviews and reorganizes the information that we learned during the day, and strengthens the connections between neurons. This process enhances our memory and learning abilities.
  • Dreams can also help us access and reprocess old memories, especially emotional ones. When we dream, our brain activates the same regions that are involved in memory formation and retrieval, such as the hippocampus and the amygdala. This allows us to revisit and reinterpret our past experiences from a different angle, and to heal from trauma or stress.
  • Dreams can also create false or distorted memories, especially if they are realistic or vivid. Sometimes, we may confuse our dreams with reality, and believe that something happened when it didn’t, or vice versa. This phenomenon is called confabulation, and it can affect our perception of ourselves and others.
  • Dreams can also inspire new memories, especially if they are creative or novel. Sometimes, we may have dreams that spark our imagination, and lead us to discover new ideas, insights, or possibilities. These dreams can enrich our lives and motivate us to pursue our goals.

So, what’s the link between dreams and memories? The answer is a complex and dynamic one. Dreams and memories are both essential for our mental health and well-being, and they influence each other in multiple ways. By paying attention to our dreams and memories, we can learn more about ourselves and our potential.

“Nights through dreams tell the myths forgotten by the day.”

C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Kashish Adwani is the editor at her campus at Muj chapter. She loves penning down thoughts and opinions about life, society, human psychology, dreams, food, and book reviews. beyond her campus, she loves writing poetry, and prose and has published a couple of fan-fictions too on some of the popular web-novel platforms. currently, she is working on her first book. On the academic front, she is pursuing a bachelor's degree of B.tech in information technology from MUJ. She is a budding Android app developer who is also a data analytics and design enthusiast. She is a bibliophile, and an ambivert who loves socializing and talking with fellows about literally anything, but also cherishes the peace and content that she gets by sitting in silence all by herself. She believes your words hold the potential of becoming a weapon and bringing a smile to your audience's faces all at once, the only condition is if you know how to choose them wisely or not.