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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

Christmas is just around the corner, but do you feel the same excitement and anticipation as you did when you were younger? If you are like many teens or young adults nowadays, you might find yourself feeling less joyous and unenthusiastic about the festive season. Why is that? What has changed over the years that makes Christmas less magical and more mundane for some of us?

There could be many reasons for this phenomenon, but here are some possible ones:

  • Growing up. As we grow older, we become more aware of the realities and challenges of life. We may have to deal with stress, responsibilities, expectations, disappointments, and losses. We may also lose some of our innocence and wonder as we learn more about the world and ourselves. These factors can make us less optimistic and more cynical, which can dampen our spirits and affect our mood.
  • Commercialization. Christmas has become a huge industry that focuses on selling products and services rather than celebrating the true meaning of the holiday. We are bombarded with advertisements, promotions, and pressure to buy, buy, buy. We may also feel the need to compare ourselves with others and keep up with the latest trends and fashions. This can make us feel dissatisfied, anxious, and overwhelmed. It can also make us lose sight of what really matters and what Christmas is really about.
  • Routine. Christmas can become a routine that we follow every year without much variation or creativity. We may do the same things, go to the same places, see the same people, and receive the same gifts. We may also have to deal with family conflicts, obligations, and traditions that we don’t enjoy or agree with. This can make us feel bored, frustrated, and trapped. It can also make us lose our sense of curiosity and adventure.
  • Isolation. Christmas can be a lonely time for some of us who don’t have a strong social network or a supportive family. We may feel isolated, excluded, or misunderstood by others. We may also have to cope with the loss of loved ones who are no longer with us or who are far away. This can make us feel sad, depressed, and hopeless. It can also make us lose our sense of belonging and connection.

These are just some of the possible reasons why some teens or young adults nowadays don’t feel as excited about Christmas as they used to. Of course, everyone’s experience is different and there may be other factors that influence how we feel. However, if you find yourself feeling less joyous and enthusiastic about Christmas than you used to, don’t worry. You are not alone and you are not wrong. You are just going through a natural process of change that happens to everyone at some point in their lives.

The good news is that you can still enjoy Christmas and make it meaningful for yourself. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Be yourself. Don’t let others tell you how to celebrate Christmas or what to feel. You have the right to choose what makes you happy and what suits your personality and preferences. You don’t have to conform to anyone’s expectations or standards. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you are not. You don’t have to fake your emotions or force yourself to do things you don’t want to do. Just be yourself and do what feels right for you.
  • Be grateful. Don’t focus on what you don’t have or what you wish you had. Focus on what you do have and what you appreciate in your life. There are always things to be thankful for, no matter how small or big they are. You may have your health, your education, your talents, your friends, your hobbies, your pets, your memories, your dreams, or anything else that makes you smile. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for and read it every day. You will be surprised by how much abundance you have in your life.
  • Be generous. Don’t let Christmas be only about receiving gifts or spending money. Let it be also about giving gifts or sharing your time, energy, skills, or resources with others who need them more than you do. There are many ways to be generous without breaking the bank or going out of your way. You can donate to a charity, volunteer for a cause, help a neighbor, compliment a stranger, write a letter, make a call, bake a cake, create a card, or anything else that shows kindness and compassion. You will find that giving is more rewarding than receiving and that it will make you feel happier and more fulfilled.
  • Be creative. Don’t let Christmas be a boring repetition of the same old things every year. Let it be an opportunity to try something new or different that sparks your interest and curiosity. There are many ways to be creative without spending a lot of money or time. You can decorate your room, make your own gifts, learn a new skill, explore a new place, watch a new movie, read a new book, listen to a new song, or anything else that stimulates your imagination and senses. You will find that being creative will make you feel more alive and excited.
  • Be social. Don’t let Christmas be a lonely time for you if you don’t have a lot of people around you or if you don’t get along with your family. Let it be a chance to connect with others who share your values and interests. There are many ways to be social without being in a crowd or being in a conflict. You can join an online community, attend an event, join a club, start a conversation, make a friend, or do anything else that helps you feel more supported and understood. You will find that being social will make you feel more loved and accepted.

These are just some of the tips on how to enjoy Christmas and make it meaningful for yourself. Of course, you can find your own ways that work best for you. The important thing is to remember that Christmas is what you make of it and that you have the power to create your own happiness and meaning.

I hope this article has helped you understand why some young adults nowadays don’t feel as excited about Christmas as they used to and how you can change that for yourself. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kashish Adwani is the editor at her campus at Muj chapter. She loves penning down thoughts and opinions about life, society, human psychology, dreams, food, and book reviews. beyond her campus, she loves writing poetry, and prose and has published a couple of fan-fictions too on some of the popular web-novel platforms. currently, she is working on her first book. On the academic front, she is pursuing a bachelor's degree of B.tech in information technology from MUJ. She is a budding Android app developer who is also a data analytics and design enthusiast. She is a bibliophile, and an ambivert who loves socializing and talking with fellows about literally anything, but also cherishes the peace and content that she gets by sitting in silence all by herself. She believes your words hold the potential of becoming a weapon and bringing a smile to your audience's faces all at once, the only condition is if you know how to choose them wisely or not.