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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

If you plan to indulge in hook-ups and your knowledge on them is based on movies like No Strings Attached or Friends with Benefits, then I’m sorry to be bursting your bubble, because, in reality, when you’re hooking up with a guy, you’re most likely not going to find an Adam to your Emma. Its usually strictly business- okay business sounds wrong but I think you get the idea. The “Hookup Culture” is all about making sex accessible and available without the complexities of feelings and emotions. A lot of people say that they don’t believe in this culture at all, when in fact, they probably just don’t know how to do it; because being able to remove sappy feelings and treating sex as just a physical activity is a very hard job to do.

Hooking up is really an art.

Well this article is (hopefully) going to help you become the artiste.  

1. Get consent:

Getting consent is definitely the first step to hooking up. It is  always better to have a conversation about it instead of just assuming and making it awkward for everyone.

2. Talk about intentions:

The best way to make sure you do not  lead another person on or get led on is by having an open conversation about your intentions. It might feel weird to tell a person that you are just interested in the act of sex with them, but the right person will understand. If it is the wrong person, then this conversation will save you from the drama that would have  entailed in the future.

3. Do not linger around:

Extended proximity leads to intimacy. If you two start spending too much time together then you are probably going to develop some fondness for each other. That is either a way for you to end up with each other or it can be the perfect recipe for heartbreak; and that defeats the whole purpose of the “Hook-up Culture”. So, make sure you maintain distance.

4. Do not switch roles:

If you’ve decided to be each other’s hook-ups, then do not try to meddle in each other’s lives. You do not have a say in what they do or how they spend their time and vice versa. You need to set your boundaries and make it a point to never cross them. Maintain the sanctity of the “relationship” that you share with each other.

5. Once it’s over, it’s over:

If you both have mutually decided to stop hooking up with each other, or even if it’s just from their side, do not get upset. This is not a breakup that you have to get over. There is plenty of men and women looking for the same activity  that you are, all you have to do is swipe.

Constantly juggling between her varied passions ranging from women empowerment and world economics to acting and dancing. An avid reader and an intellectually curious being, Kriti Chaube is currently pursuing her Btech in Computer and Communications Engineering at Manipal University, Jaipur.
Engineering student by the day, food blogger by the night.