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GEN-Z Psyche Behind Baggy and Oversized Fashion

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.

In this everchanging world of fashion, one thing that has come and stayed since the past couple of years is the trend of baggy clothes and oversized attires, T-shirts, bottoms, etc.

Youngsters find this trend as a more comfortable, chic, and carefree statement of their appearance. They feel free and more at ease on their casual days in these outfits. Hence, designers worldwide are trying to add a touch of this fashion to all occasion outfits too.

But did any of you know that there is a well-researched and proven psychological reason behind all this sudden craze in the youth about this new trend ??? Well, I bet most of you didn’t.

According to a study published by the University of Hertfordshire, People who are feeling sad or depressed tend to dress more casually, wearing baggy items, sweatpants, leggings, or worn-in jeans. Isn’t that strange? Certainly yes, so I delved deeper into this study and found out the psychological connection between the two. Wearing an outfit that fits poorly, is unflattering or dirty, or makes you feel bad about your body can make you feel bad mentally, creating a vicious cycle of depression and dressing down. 

People who are depressed often lose interest in how they look and don’t wish to stand out.

Shauna Mackenzie Heathman, a certified image consultant and owner of Mackenzie Image Consulting in South Carolina, said in an email that the results of the study are expected.

“When we are feeling depressed or unhappy, looking our best is not on our minds,” Pine said. “In fact, it becomes a hassle and waste of time. Mental energy is turned inwards towards emotional thoughts. Dressing simply becomes function versus adornment or fun.[sic]”

Shauna Mackenzie Heathman (Mackenzie Image Consulting Owner)

To this, I ponder, isn’t this obvious? If something makes our figure look poor, we generally don’t like this and thus are unhappy about it. When we don’t like what we wear, we focus on it throughout the day. It takes away the focus from the daily tasks that are important—work, relationships, and family.

Our generation considers staying in depression as a more comfortable and handy state of mind than showing up for themselves and rejuvenating their life by beginning with their healing journey and this change in perspective towards such day-to-day mundane activities comes from within and starts from one step. This is why one of the top tips for managing depression in your daily life is to ditch the pajama pants and put on a clean, well-fitting outfit that you like. The study mentions that happy clothes include well-cut, figure-enhancing items made from bright and beautiful fabrics.

So if your style statement also speaks of your depressing phase, maybe you could reconsider your wardrobe picks and get an outfit makeover to attract some unfiltered smiles and inner happiness your way. Don’t forget though that you can always go back to your comfortable PJ’s whenever you feel like it. :)

Kashish Adwani is the editor at her campus at Muj chapter. She loves penning down thoughts and opinions about life, society, human psychology, dreams, food, and book reviews. beyond her campus, she loves writing poetry, and prose and has published a couple of fan-fictions too on some of the popular web-novel platforms. currently, she is working on her first book. On the academic front, she is pursuing a bachelor's degree of B.tech in information technology from MUJ. She is a budding Android app developer who is also a data analytics and design enthusiast. She is a bibliophile, and an ambivert who loves socializing and talking with fellows about literally anything, but also cherishes the peace and content that she gets by sitting in silence all by herself. She believes your words hold the potential of becoming a weapon and bringing a smile to your audience's faces all at once, the only condition is if you know how to choose them wisely or not.