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Work Out Classes at Muhlenberg

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

Many students don’t know that Muhlenberg offers multiple work out classes every day. Last semester I told myself I would go to the gym and I just couldn’t get myself to pause Netflix and get out of bed. Personally, I’m someone who needs motivation and a set schedule. Therefore, last semester I started opening the Berg Bulletin, which I usually just delete, and it changed my life for the better. I realized that Muhlenberg offers work out classes everyday except for Saturday. These set times help me plan out my week to fit in working out so much that I stuck to this schedule all of last semester and up to this semester, I feel so energized throughout my day! I am also watching what I eat in order to get the best results but overall I am much happier and healthier. I’ve honestly never felt better!

For the next few weeks I am going to be talking to you all about the specifics of the different work out classes that are offered here at Muhlenberg. This article is just a brief introduction about how to get started! The Berg Bulletin lists the workout programs that are offered every day. It is sent to every Muhlenberg student at 9 am every day. Instead of deleting it, read through it and make sure the classes you’re interested in taking are still on for that day! 

Since I know a bit of the schedule already, I can give you a heads up for when each class takes place. Monday through Wednesday Muhlenberg offers a work out class at 7am. This is called MC Body Taut and it is a 45 minute intense work out to start your day! I have been going faithfully since last semester and I definitely see a change! There is also Yoga offered Monday and Wednesday at Hillel from 6-7 pm. In addition, there are many spin classes offered here from Monday-Thursday. One of my favorite classes is Zumba, which is offered on Sunday nights at 7pm. Lastly, there is Barre class on Tuesday nights from 6:15-7 pm. This class is low intensity but you will definitely feel the burn the next day! To get the full schedule just look up fitness classes at Muhlenberg.

Keep looking for my articles next week to read about the different classes being featured!

Pause Netflix, get up and go to a Fitness class!

I'm Darling, I'm 21 years old and I go to Muhlenberg College. I am a double major in Public Health and French.