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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

Don’t get me wrong; love it great. I am a hopeless romantic at heart, I love every single cliché that has to do with romance and relationships ever invented, and would love to be in a fulfilling partnership one day but does that mean I need a special someone in my life right now? I don’t think so. Here’s why:

  1. Romantic love isn’t the only kind of love: Yes, we all need love in our lives, but I think we can find it other places besides having a significant other. Family, friends, your passions and interests, and even self-love are just a few of the many different types of love that exist, and I think all of these things can be just as fulfilling as romantic love. Humans all want to be loved and appreciated, but sometimes we conflate that feeling with romantic love, instead of recognizing all the sources of love in our lives.
  2. Being in a romantic relationship is a commitment: Although many popular narratives make falling and staying in love seem easy, unfortunately, it’s not. It’s hard work. It requires communication, trust, commitment and patience, and all of these things have to be maintained and developed, whether the relationship is a month old or a few years old. Sometimes, we don’t have that time in our lives, and it’s okay to admit that to yourself. In my opinion, it would be far worse to be in a relationship and not giving it the time and attention it deserves.
  3. Your self-worth should not be defined by another:  I truly believe that self-love is so important, especially when it comes to relationships. If you are confident and secure about who you are, and know what you have to offer, you will be confident and secure in your relationships with others. This also takes away some of the stress that comes along with relationships because if you’re already complete in yourself, you won’t be looking for another person to complete you.

I could definitely come up with a bunch more reasons why I don’t need romantic love in my life, but these, I think, are the best three that really apply to my life right now. Maybe one day I will be in a relationship, but for now, I am proudly (and loudly) not in love. 

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Mary Donofrio

Muhlenberg '16

Senior Theatre major with a minor in Women's and Gender Studies. Avid Feminist. Pop Culture Enthusiast. Sorority Woman. Lover of Cheese. Follow me on Twitter for more impassioned yelling about things I like: @MaryEDonofrio