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Living in the Courts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

This school year, Muhlenberg College had added “The Courts,” a temporary building that is currently housing 40 women on campus. While there have been many rumors as to why the Courts were built, how the rooms look, or how the college is compensating for housing people in a “trailer,” by making it look pretty, we went to an anonymous double in The Courts and asked them about what their experience has been like during these first few weeks of classes.

Where were you planning on living originally?

Roommate 1:Brown.

Would you have preferred to live in Brown?

Roommate 1: No, my roommate and I had put our names on all of the waitlists to get out of Brown.

What would you say is the best thing about the Courts?

Roommate 1: I’d say the best thing is the AC.

Roommate 2: It’s nice to have your own lounge to be honest and the AC and also [the] color printer is a big bonus.

What is the worst thing about the Courts?

Roommate 1: I’d say it feels pretty isolated. They don’t have a lot of people in here.

Roommate 2: The walls are thin and it’s really an eyesore.

Is it all sophomores in here?

Roommate 1: There’s one junior, but it’s mostly sophomores.

Do you think building the courts was a good solution for the overflow of the student population?

Roommate 1: I think so because the other solution would have been to purchase more M.I.L.E. houses, which would’ve disrupted the Allentown community. Plus, it was right of them to kick the frat out of the house they were in.

Do you think the frat guys should have been the ones moved to the Courts?

Roommate 2: If you move all the frat guys here, then it is just another frat house on campus so that would’ve made less sense. This is now another all girl living situation and I’d rather live here than Brown anyways.

Do you think it is more or less social than other dorms?

Roommate 1: It’s definitely not as social. There’s definitely some times where people are together in the lounge, but that is because of preexisting friendships. Nobody has really made new friendships here. It could definitely be more social.

I'm Darling, I'm 21 years old and I go to Muhlenberg College. I am a double major in Public Health and French.