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Christin Urso / Spoon

What to Do With That Leftover Easter Candy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MTSU chapter.

Easter is probably my favorite holiday, but solely because the seasonal candy is THE BEST! I love peeps, “robin eggs,” m&ms in carrot shaped bags, and those weird chocolate covered egg shaped marshmallows that come in an egg carton (they’re cute but like…its weird, admit it). However, my all time favorite easter candy, and perhaps my favorite candy of all time, is Cadbury Creme Eggs. Specifically the easter ones (those gross green Screme Eggs will not touch me).

Because I can only find them in stores around this time, I make sure to stock up (especially the day after Easter, when everything is on sale!) Sadly, they don’t stay good forever, though. To start to use up my (very large) stockpile, I decided to make one of my favorite desserts: Cadbury Cheesecake Dip. 

There are many recipes out there for Cadbury Creme Egg dip, but they’re all so sickeningly sweet and heavy. There’s already so much sugar and fat in the eggs, so adding things like marshmallow fluff and butter just doesn’t do it for me. Three years ago I made this recipe and I continue to make it every year, at least once, because it is just so addictive!

I only use cream cheese and cool whip, along with the creme eggs, for this dip, so it’s super easy and simple! The cream cheese is balanced JUST enough by the cool whip and creme eggs that it still retains an ever so slight sour note. I always use graham cracker when i eat this dip, because the sugar in the cracker is just enough to completely balance out the sour and sweet to make a perfect, flavorful dessert.

If you try this recipe out, tag or message me on Instagram @itsmaxfromschool! 


I am the President of MT Lambda, the LGBT+ organization at MTSU. I study Biology and Nutrition and Food Science! I'm not a writer, but I have a lot of feelings and writing about them seems to do some good. I also love cooking, so I'm always excited to share my experiences with food!