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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Everyone’s Perception of Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MTSU chapter.

     Everyone knows about the concept of love. However, not everyone knows what love actually is. I continuously think about love. People always say that you can never learn things from TV shows, but between my life experience and watching shows, I think I have learned a lot. I have discovered what love is during high school. Beforehand I thought love was something people told themselves they felt when they wanted to date and/or marry someone. However during my freshman year I felt love for the first time. Love, for me, is when you enjoy everything about someone. The presence of them, how they act, how they look, anything they do. In addition to enjoying everything about someone, that person makes you happy and you feel good whenever they are around. My love is, most importantly, the feeling of accepting and being accepted. The feeling that someone out there enjoys your presence. The feeling that if I were to suddenly disappear without a trace, that someone would miss me and that someone’s life just simply isn’t as good as it would have been if I was around.

     The best and worst part about the concept of love is that people think of it in different ways. A good thing that occurs because of how different it is is that it is an exclusive feeling different for each person who experiences it. However, that ends up also being a bad thing because people begin not believing others have experienced love if it ends up being different than their own feeling. In addition, people do not know that young people are able to experience love. If a young kid says they are in love with someone, adults, and even teenagers, dismiss it. These groups think “aww that’s cute” and get going with their day. They think it is something they will grow out of. The glorious thing about love being different for everyone, is that you can’t love incorrectly. If a little kid who just went to school for the first time feels like they are in love with someone then to them they are in love. Just because they don’t have the money to show that person how they feel or take them to do something doesn’t mean that they don’t feel love. In ABC’s sitcom The Goldbergs this concept is brought up. In the season 3 premiere, Adam is told by his father he has to break up with his girlfriend because it is a long distance relationship. When Adam begins to cry and go up to his room to write his break up letter, his grandfather begins to talk to Adam’s father. He tells him “Just cause he’s a kid, doesn’t mean his feelings aren’t real.” This portion of the episode resonated with me and I constantly think about it. (In fact that is what originally inspired me to write this.) If a little kid says they love someone in their class, they love that person. If a middle schooler feels like the first crush they ever have is love, that is love. Young people not being able to feel love is perhaps the biggest misconception about love. When a kid feels love, older people say that they can’t feel love because they’re a little kid. No matter someone’s age, if they feel like they have fallen in love then that is love to them, because it is how they feel.

My name is Michael and I enjoy stories. I am particularly fond of television and video games. Although I also enjoy podcasts, movies, and graphic novels.