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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

Finals season is here, and it is getting harder and harder to not think about the upcoming winter break. With a little more than a whole month away from school, there can be some boring times, or just times when you don’t know what to do. But that is the perfect time for trying something new or picking back up that hobby that school doesn’t give you time for. Here is a list of a few things you can do over break to make you even more excited for the upcoming vacation.



Watching TV!


This is the FIRST thing I do when I get home for break. Long periods of time with nothing to do is the best time to get back into watching TV. Whether that is Netflix, Disney+, or cable, I catch up on all the shows that I’ve gotten behind on or that I’ve wanted to start but haven’t had the time to. Some shows that I’ve been meaning to start are: The Mandalorian (I mean, how can Baby Yoda not make you want to watch it), The Great British Baking Show: Holiday, La Casa de Papel, and Atypical. Other shows I plan to catch up on are: Vikings, His Dark Materials, Queer Eye, Dark, and iZombie. I am so excited to just curl up on the couch and binge watch.



Reading Books for Fun!


Reading is a great way to fill your free time! I love to read, but during school I never have any time to do so. My goal this year is to read one book over winter vacation. Hopefully with over a month to do so I can accomplish my goal. When it is cold outside it feels so nice to sit under a mound of blankets and have hot chocolate or tea and just read. 



Winter Activities!


This item depends on the weather of where your destination is. But I wanted to include this on the list as winter break is one of the only times that I am able to enjoy winter activities such as snow sports, ice skating, building snow forts, and, my personal favorite, snow tubing. My family isn’t very big on being out in the cold for long periods of time, so things like skiing, ice skating, and snowball fights don’t last very long. However, we love snow tubing. It is the one time that we all enjoy being out in the snow together. 



Going out to Eat!


While I am so excited to have a home cooked meal, there is something about going out to dinner that just sparks joy in me. Here on campus, I feel that I don’t have much time or any opportunities to eat off campus. And I don’t just mean going to a coffee shop to study, I mean sitting down at a restaurant and having a full meal there. I love food, and combining that with great company is even better. Eating meals with either friends or family is the best way to get closer to each other as well as have a good meal.


Whatever you end up doing this break, I hope you have fun doing it!



If you would like to write for Her Campus Mount Holyoke, or if you have any questions or comments for us, please email hc.mt-holyoke@hercampus.com.    


Michaela Phelan

Mt Holyoke '22

I am an International Relations major who just really likes to read, listen to music, and watch tv.
Mount Holyoke College is a gender-inclusive, historically women's college in South Hadley, MA.