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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

In recent years I have found joy in listening to podcasts. I started to listen to them for a class I was taking and ended up sticking with it. Now I am an avid podcast consumer and listen to a variety of different shows weekly. I think there are many beneficial aspects of podcasts, but there are so many to choose from. If you have ever opened a podcast app you will understand what I mean. Luckily, I think there are some things that make navigating the world of podcasts easier. 

Woman Listening on Headphones Facing a Window

One of my favorite podcasts by far is Pod Save America. Scriptwriters and aides of Former President Obama talk current political events from an inside perspective. I have found that this podcast is my favorite way to consume news lately. It is easy to understand and listen to, but everything also feels relevant. I usually listen while I clean my room or do some chores, and even on my drives. I think that a news podcast is a great way to consume important information in a way that is not incredibly overwhelming and difficult to comprehend. 

Four silhouettes stand in front of a digital American flag
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

The Office Ladies podcast is perhaps one of the most pop culture-relevant things I have ever listened to. Almost everyone and their cousin has watched The Office at some point or another, and like many other people, I have gone back to watch episodes in my free time before. This podcast features two of the main actresses from the show detailing the behind the scenes of each episode in order. It is fascinating and funny to listen to, but also feels like I am watching the show without watching the show again. This comedy podcast is a great morning listen and a great introduction to podcasts if you have watched the show. 

Red neon light singnage that says 'ladies'

If you have ever in your life enjoyed a crime show or suspenseful drama, you might enjoy a true-crime podcast. There are so many out there, and they are all incredibly interesting. My favorite is I Spy. It’s a podcast that features real spies telling you the stories you thought only happened in movies. I listen to this one while I work out. The suspense and detail is weirdly fun to listen to. 


The bottom line of podcasts is that there are so many to listen to and so many times in the day that a podcast is an applicable distraction or activity. I listen to different ones for different activities. I have also created a collection of ones that I enjoy so that I never run out of content. Do yourself a favor and open up a podcast app. You might be surprised what you find. 

grayscale photo of a podcast setup
Photo by Neil Godding from Unsplash

If you would like to write for Her Campus Mount Holyoke, or if you have any questions or comments for us, please email hc.mtholyoke@hercampus.com.    

Suzannah Gray

Mt Holyoke '22

Class: 2022 Major(s): Geology and Politics Homestate: Maine! Interests: Crafts, Knitting, Puzzles
Mount Holyoke College is a gender-inclusive, historically women's college in South Hadley, MA.