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My Dream Purchases Ranked on How Realistic They Are

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

With finals season approaching, it’s common for us students to start wondering about our futures. I am very much a planner, and even though there is a lot yet to be determined, I can only hope one day I’ll be filthy rich. Until then, I can only dream about what I’ll buy with my trillions. I have a few ideas, and here they are, ranked on how realistic they are for me RIGHT NOW. Remember, this is based on how realistic it’d be for me to buy these RIGHT NOW. I know that in 10 years time, I’ll be able to buy the whole galaxy… but for now, I’ll sit tight and make my silly little HerCampus listicles. Please feel free to treat this as a wishlist. Here it goes:

12- Yosemite National Park

Perhaps one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen, I would like to have total authority over what happens to it to ensure I can maintain its environmental beauties. My biggest fear is this becoming an apartment complex or something similar. Guess I’ll have to buy it one day. A bit over my budget right now, though.

11- The whole state of Rhode Island

When I visited Rhode Island I had so much fun and was in awe of the state’s beauty! A very kind old man gave me a quarter so I could buy a Rhode Island sticker that I keep on my computer. I just think the state is very neat. However, it’d be quite expensive to buy. So…not very realistic.

10- The entirety of Monroe County, Florida

This is my favorite Florida county. It’s so quiet and peaceful. I would like to make it mine, please. This one is more realistic because I think it’s cheaper than the last two items. 

9- A building at Mount Holyoke College

Can you imagine how fancy it is to have a college building named after you? Or have your name on a plaque somewhere in such a fancy building? My dream is to one day have my name immortalized on the MHC campus. I guess it’ll have to come out of my pocket until I change the world!

8- Private Plane

I really don’t like flying. I always say that if I could have a superpower, it’d be teleportation, so I’d never have to go on a plane again. The main reason why I don’t like plane rides is that they’re so uncomfortable and boring. If I had my own private plane, I would always be able to lie down on a bed, have delicious meals, high-quality WiFi, and anything else my heart desires. That would be quite expensive, though. Maybe someday. 

7- Vacation home in Key West, Florida

Key West, Florida is actually in Monroe County, so this builds into that purchase as well. Maybe I could eminent domain someone’s house after I buy the county. Key West is actually one of the nicest places I’ve ever been to. It’s so quiet and peaceful, but also loud and upbeat. It’s where I shall retire. However, before I retire, I need a vacation home there right in the middle of its main street, Duval Street. According to Zillow, the cheapest one is around 600,000 dollars. I’ll get there.

6- Yacht

Living in Miami, you see people frolicking around on their boats all the time. And when you’re walking around all sweaty, your thighs chafing, feeling disgusting, you can’t help but be jelly. I was quite jelly. I wanted so badly to have my own boat to bring my friends to the middle of the ocean and just jump in the water over and over for hours. Maybe one day I’ll have one, who knows?! 

5- Trip to the Bahamas with all my friends

Speaking of summer, boats, and water… the BAHAMAS: one of my absolute dream destinations, if not my biggest dream. I always said that if I won the lottery I would take my closest friends to the Bahamas, all expenses paid. Honestly, this one could be a little realistic if about 7-10 of us all split the price. I know the plan was for me to pay for everything, but for now, this will have to make do.

4- Minivan OR Dodge Durango

My first time on a road trip was in a minivan. I absolutely fell in love with how we could throw everything in the back seat and just go. After that trip, it became my dream to have a big car like that so I could go on road trips all around the world with my family and loved ones. First I have to learn how to drive, though. 

3- A 50-hour train trip from Springfield, Massachusetts to Cheyenne, Wyoming

If there’s one mode of transportation I’m absolutely obsessed with it’s TRAINS. AMTRAK MY BELOVED. I love train rides more than life itself! The noise of the tracks, the horns, walking through the cars, the views… It’s all perfect. I especially adore really long train rides. I once took the Silver Star from Miami, Florida to Newark, New Jersey; it took about 35 hours and after it ended, I wanted more. I yearned for more. My new dream Amtrak trip is from Springfield, Massachusetts to Cheyenne, Wyoming. It was the longest route I could find. I love Wyoming for the same reason why I love Key West: it’s quiet and peaceful but also loud and upbeat. Here’s the itinerary: Springfield to Chicago, Illinois (20 hours), then Chicago to Denver, Colorado (19 hours), then a 2.5 hours bus from Denver to Cheyenne, Wyoming. What a DREAM. 

2- Lancome La Vie Est Belle + Idole perfumes

I recently developed an obsession with perfume. My favorite brand is Lancome. It’s true that the French kill it at making perfume! Every time I see these at Duty Free or wherever I make sure to spray myself with some. Idole is Lancome’s newest release, and it may be my favorite scent ever. However, I’m not obsessed enough to spend over a hundred dollars on perfume, and the price is the same everywhere, from Brazil to Panama to the US. Trust me, I’ve looked. Guess I’m sticking to Ross fragrances. The first sale though, they’re mine!

1- Nike Air Force 1

I was offered those for my birthday. I declined because I thought they were too basic for the price. But then, it was like a force took over me. Suddenly, I’m in love with those shoes. Those freaking shoes! They’re so basic! But also so pretty… And they go with everything… And they’re so comfy… *Sigh.* Since I was offered them once, it’s safe to assume I may be offered them again soon, right? Right.


Kraft Mac and Cheese

My favorite food. Very realistic purchase. It’s like a dollar. I think I’m gonna get one right now. 

My birthday is March 16th, by the way. 

If you would like to write for Her Campus Mount Holyoke, or if you have any questions or comments for us, please email hc.mtholyoke@hercampus.com.

hello! class of 2026, neuroscience major, nice to meet you! some stuff I love is my family, my friends, studying, learning, meeting people, talking, reading, writing, eating, traveling, trains, public transportation, road trips, nature, crossing borders, my homeland of Brazil, being a Posse scholar, Williston Library, being at Mount Holyoke, working... but most of all, I love the world. I love love. and I love you! ps - i write a lot about the past. that means i'm over it <3 u get the gist!